Incoming Students

Filosofia Incoming Students

Department Delegate: prof.ssa Antonella TROTTA

Delegate for the study course: prof. Davide Monaco

The degree course participates in the orientation meetings organised by the University and the school world, organises events to present the training opportunities on offer, and is involved in actions aimed at students in the third, fourth and fifth years of upper secondary school in order to encourage an informed approach to university studies.

In collaboration with the CAOT - Centro di Ateneo per l'Orientamento e il Tutorato, the faculty members, researchers and student tutors participate in the Unisa Orienta in tour programme, that responds to the measures of the PNRR National Recovery and Resilience Plan "Active School-University Orientation", and support UNISAOrienta New Visions, the cycle of thematic meetings with personalities from the world of business and culture to offer students small experiences of university life

For further information:

The degree course organises thematic lectures and seminars on admission requirements, educational and job opportunities, discussions for schoolteachers and visits to the Department's laboratories and campus facilities.

The course also supports the development of school projects approved for funding (e.g. Arts Plan, Erasmus plus) according to inclusive, scalable and replicable models.

The course develops innovative workshops in cooperation with high schools and with public and private cultural institutions, associations and enterprises - Percorsi per le Competenze Trasversali e l’Orientamento -PCTO -, to promote knowledge and enhancement of the cultural heritage, foster citizenship and inclusion skills, and provide guidance for an informed choice of university studies and a successful entry into the labour market.

For further information:

The course provides assistance to students requiring special technical and teaching aids to facilitate learning, class attendance and passing exams, in cooperation DSU Office

Contact: prof.ssa Chiara Maria Lambert;