
Chemical, Biological and Environmental Sciences Presentation

PhD in Chemical, Biological and Environmental Sciences

a) Chemical Sciences
b) Biological and Environmental Sciences

Course: Doctorate course
Regulations: D.M. 45/2013
Three years
 Course Description and Objectives
The objective of the Doctoral Course in Chemical, Biological and Environmental Sciences is the scientific training of highly qualified and specialized young researchers capable of carrying out research activities in the chemical, chemical-pharmaceutical, environmental and clinical-diagnostic fields, both in academic and industrial contexts. The training activity is aimed at providing appropriate skills for scientific research, industry, higher education and freelance professions.
The training takes place at the Department of Chemistry and Biology (DCB) “A. Zambelli” with the support of several Italian and foreign collaborations:
research centers, public and private institutions, industries, public and private laboratories, and other Italian and foreign Universities.
The research activities of PhD students is supported by numerous and suitable instruments and by fully equipped and large laboratories. This allows most of the experimental activities to be carried out in our labs and PhD students to gain a deep understanding of the research undertaken, as required by the Dublin descriptors. All available resources ensure that students achieve strong independence and autonomy in planning activities related to the Doctoral course. Furthermore, training is intensified through specialization courses, monographic seminars, theoretical and practical teaching on the use of specific instruments, national and international workshops and conferences, thus ensuring a broad and transversal training.

The internationalization of the PhD students is ensured by several collaborations with other foreign universities and young PhD students are strongly encouraged to carry out part of their research activities in other countries. They are also financially supported by the University of Salerno and by the Erasmus Traineeship actions.

The three-year PhD course involves the participation of DCB teachers belonging to chemical and biological fields. Two curricula have been defined: a) chemical sciences b) biological and environmental sciences.

Research in Organic Chemistry.
Organocatalysis and Asymmetric Organic Synthesis. The topic concerns the synthesis of optically active organic molecules, often of heterocyclic nature, and synthetic intermediates of biological-pharmaceutical interest, using a single-step or cascade organocatalytic approach.

Synthesis of Natural Substances and Biologically Active Analogues. The interest is directed towards the synthesis of biologically active natural substances and their structural analogues. These include peptides and peptidomimetic compounds, for which it is possible to evaluate biological, structural and catalytic properties.
Supramolecular Chemistry. It regards the most advanced aspects of Supramolecular Chemistry such as molecular devices and machines, supramolecular catalysis, up to the synthesis and study of new macrocycles for molecular recognition and self-assembly.
Research in polymer science and technology. Synthesis of catalysts for polymeric materials. It concerns the design of catalysts for the stereospecific polymerization of monomers from renewable sources. Particular interest is devoted to the preparation of biodegradable polymers. Synthesis of structure-targeted polymers and copolymers. It is focused on the design of new nanostructured materials for applications in the biomedical field and in optoelectronics. Theoretical and experimental studies of the mechanisms involved in polymerization reactions are carried out.

Characterization and applications of polymeric materials. The topic concerns the study of polymeric materials, and of the property-structure relationships of semi-crystalline polymers of industrial relevance. Of interest is the preparation, the structural and morphological characterization, and the study of the physical properties of polymeric cocrystals based on polyphenylene oxide (PPO) for the inclusion of highly polar, magnetic or photo-reactive molecules. A related research is focused on the characterization and the study of the properties of materials (e.g. films, powders, aerogels) showing nanoporous crystalline phases.

Research in theoretical and computational chemistry. Development and application of quantum mechanics methods for the determination of molecular electrical and magnetic properties. This
approach focuses on the current density induced by external magnetic fields and the study of the chiroptical properties for the determination of the absolute configuration of chiral molecules. Theoretical and experimental study of oxidative damage to DNA. The mechanism of oxidative damage to DNA is studied through electrochemical techniques integrated with spectroscopic techniques.

Computer modeling of chemical reactivity and development of molecular descriptors for the quantification of steric effects in transition metal ligands. The objective is to offer support to the experimental studies through the accurate description of the reaction paths in catalytic processes promoted by transition metal complexes. Development and application of
multiscale methods for modeling nanostructured materials of synthetic and biological origin. The activity is focused on the development of methods capable of reproducing behaviors and properties on nanometric, mesoscopic and macroscopic scales. X-ray diffraction. Characterization and modeling of conformational changes in the solid state. Study of single crystal-single crystal transitions in molecular solids.
Research in environmental analysis. Analytical Chemistry. It concerns the speciation of inorganic ions, the development of electrochemical methodologies for the determination of trace
analytes and the study of charge transfer kinetics using electroanalytical techniques. Environmental chemistry. The research group deals with issues related to the study and the monitoring of pollutants in aqueous and atmospheric matrices. Attention is focused on the development of devices for the active and passive monitoring of pollutants in the atmosphere.


Research in biological sciences. Biochemistry and Cellular and Computational Biology. Biological properties and pathological roles of the tissue transglutaminase enzyme are studied. Other interests concern the characterization of the toxic action of environmental pollutants in human and animal cells and tissues and the biocomputational approaches for the study of the structure-function-dynamic relationships of proteins. Tumor cell biology. Studies are focused on the role of the urokinase receptor in leukemic cells, on its interactions with membrane receptors, on the post-transcriptional regulation of its expression and on its ceRNA activity.

Molecular and developmental biology. The focus is on understanding the molecular basis of 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11.2DS). The main line of research is in the generation and analysis of mouse models of 22q11.2DS with the aim of understanding the role of Tbx1, a transcription factor, in embryonic development.

Metabolism and Nutrition. The effects of nutrients and bioactive compounds on cellular and tissue metabolism are studied to evaluate their activity in the field of prevention and therapy of
metabolic diseases linked to nutrition.

Research in environmental sciences. Ecology. The interest ranges from basic ecology issues, focused on the study of interactions at multiple organizational levels, to ecological research applied to the evaluation of the quality and sustainable management of natural and anthropogenic ecosystems.

Plant and Molecular Biology. It concerns the study of the biodiversity of plant species and microorganisms, and of the development of technologies for the phytoremediation of solid and liquid matrices.

Environmental Microbiology. Eco-friendly biological procedures for environmental remediation are studied.

 Employment and Professional Opportunities
The Doctoral Course in Chemical, Biological and Environmental Sciences trains experts for advanced scientific research. The PhD title paves the way to a career as a researcher in both the public and private sectors. Industries investing in basic research such as the chemical-pharmaceutical and plastics industries, public and private research institutions carrying out research in the field of chemical sciences, biological and environmental, foundations or institutions requiring in-depth knowledge for the proper management of complex systems, provide the most common career opportunities. Additionally, the PhD title is essential for academic careers in both Italy and abroad.