Avvisi | Seminari e Convegni

Aula Gabriele De Rosa - 10 12 Aprile 2024

April 10

h. 9:00-9:30.
Welcome Greetings
Vincenzo Loia
(Rettore dell'Università di Salerno)

Maurizio Sibilio
(Prorettore dell'Università di Salerno)

Paola Aiello
(Direttore del DISUFF)

h. 9:30-11:00.
Chair: Davide Tarizzo

Yasmeen Arif
(Shiv Nadar University - New Delhi, India)
Lexicography of the Social: Instituting the
Social in a Pandemic

Timothy Campbell
(Cornell University - Ithaca, USA)
State Medicine and Covid: Some

Nolwazi Mkhwanazi
(University of Pretoria - South Africa)
The Living and the Dead: Care, Connections
and Covid-19

h. 11:30-13:00.
Chair: Timothy Campbell

Thomas Cousins
(University of Oxford - United Kingdom)
Post-TB, Post-Covid, and Post-Global Health:
Whither the New Biopolitics?

Frédéric Keck
(CNRS - Paris, France)
From Cynegetic Power to Cryopolitics:
Anthropological Hypotheses on the
Biopolitics of Virus Hunters

Davide Tarizzo
(Università di Salerno)
At War With Nature: Covid-19 and Martial

h. 14:00-18:00.
Discussion Session

April 11

h. 9:30-11:00.
Chair: Yasmeen Arif

Alex Nading
(Cornell University - Ithaca, USA)
The Paradox of PPE: Covid and Corporate
Social Responsibility

Sanil Viswanathan Nair
(Indian Institute of Technology - New Delhi, India)
Technics and Politics of Life: The
Cosmological Turn

Carlo Caduff
(King's College - London, United Kingdom)
Stigma: Notes on Medicine’s Mirror

h. 11:30-13:00.
Chair: Federico Scarpelli

Carmelo Colangelo
(Università di Salerno)
“Ethos senza trascendimento”? Riflessioni
antropologico-filosofiche sull’impatto
psicologico e sociale della pandemia da

Geminello Preterossi
(Università di Salerno)
L'irresistibile coazione a discriminare
Annelin Eriksen

(University of Bergen - Norway)
Humans Without Biology? Bina48 and Digital
Immortality in the US

h. 14:00-18:00.
Discussion Session

April 12

h. 9:30-11:00.
Chair: Massimo Villani

Marco Piasentier
(University of Helsinki - Finland)
Herd Trust: Rethinking Vaccine Hesitancy

Martin Eggen Mogseth
(University of Bergen - Norway)
Biosubjection in California: Genetic Identity
and the Exaction of Life

Aldo Trucchio
(Università di Salerno)
"Is this the end?" Death and Catastrophe
After the Pandemic

h. 11:30-13:00.
Chair: Marco Piasentier

Federico Scarpelli
(Università di Salerno)

Fabio Dei

(Università di Pisa)
Pandemic Eschatology. Cultural Pessimism
in the Covid-19 Era

Fartein Hauan Nilsen
(University of Bergen - Norway)
Digital Companionship in Times of Crisis:
The Biopolitics of Large Language Models
After the Pandemic

Massimo Villani
(Università di Salerno)
Through a Glass Darkly. Indetermination
Resilience Resistance

Conference organized by Davide Tarizzo and Federico Scarpelli within the framework of the project "The Biopolitics of Global Health after COVID-19", awarded a Cornell University New Frontier Grant 2023.