Inauguration Workshop of the Doctoral Course in DATA SCIENCE, ACCOUNTING & MANAGEMENT XL Cycle – A.Y 2024-2025

Courses of Study Inauguration Workshop of the Doctoral Course in DATA SCIENCE, ACCOUNTING & MANAGEMENT XL Cycle – A.Y 2024-2025

Inauguration Workshop of the Doctoral Course in DATA SCIENCE, ACCOUNTING & MANAGEMENT XL Cycle – A.Y 2024-2025

Place: Aula De Rosa – building D2

Thursday January 16

13.00 Welcome light lunch


14.20 prof. Ornella Malandrino, Director DISA MIS

14.30 prof. Stefania Zuliani, delegata del Rettore per i dottorati di ricerca dell’area umanistica

14.40 prof. Fernando Fraternali, delegato del Rettore per i dottorati di ricerca dell’area tecnico-scientifica

14.50 dott. Giovanni Salzano, Chief of the Post Lauream Office – University of Salerno

- 15.00 Paesaggi sonori. L’importanza di saper ascoltare.

Dr. Francesco Liotard, CEO mOOviOOle, Founder Head of LYS-AI projects

- 15.45 Cyber-Attacks & Cyber-Warfares

prof. Paolo Prinetto, CINI - Cybersecurity National Lab, CNRS - Comité National de la Recherche Scientifique

- 16.30 The PhD Programme in DATA SCIENCE, ACCOUNTING & MANAGEMENT: an overview

prof. Roberto Tagliaferri, Director of the PhD School in Big Data Management and in Data Science, Accounting & Management, DISA MIS

16.45 The PhD Programme in DATA SCIENCE, ACCOUNTING & MANAGEMENT: key information

prof. Rosaria Cerrone, Vice-Director of the PhD School in Big Data Management and in Data Science, Accounting & Management, DISA MIS


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