Help Teaching

Courses of Study Help Teaching

Help Teaching

As part of the 'Help Teaching' policy promoted by the University of Salerno, the Department of Cultural Heritage Sciences, upon indication of its Educational Areas (Consigli di Aree Didattiche), launches twice per each academic year a public selection for carrying out supplementary teaching activities to support students enrolled in the three-year degrees of the Department.

The supplementary teaching activities, combining frontal and alternative instruction, have the aim of supporting the learning process on the part of students enrolled in the first and subsequent years of a three-year degree; they are also aimed at supporting and enhancing their acquisition of foundation knowledge as well as specialist knowledge. As established in the calls for the public selection and regulated in a fixed-term contract, the Department offers a fee (Assegno di Help Teaching) to carry out supplementary teaching activities supporting official teaching modules. The admission requirements for the public selections, the methods and deadlines for submitting an application, and the selection criteria, are published in the University Register (Albo di Ateneo) and on the pages of the Department of Cultural Heritage Sciences.
