15 dicembre 2022 - Seminario - DiSeTCom Dirac Semimetals based Terahertz Components - H2020 project (GA 823728)

Photovoltaics 15 dicembre 2022 - Seminario - DiSeTCom Dirac Semimetals based Terahertz Components - H2020 project (GA 823728)

Gentili studenti,
la presente per invitarvi al seminario "International experience on a Research project for Staff-Exchange", by Dr. Yaraslau Padrez, che si terrà giovedì 15 dicembre 2022 dalle ore 17.30 alle ore 18.30 in aula L


17:30 Opening on H2020 MSCA-RISE projects DiSeTCom - GA 823728– prof. Patrizia LAMBERTI, Principal Investigator for University of Salerno.

17:40 International experience on a Research project for Staff-Exchange – Yaraslau Padrez, PhD student and Early Stage Research at Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC), Vilnius - Lithuania (secondee at Narrando, ITALY, within DiSeTCom project)

18:00 Discussion

18:30 Closing

[*] Yaraslau Padrez is PhD student and Early Stage Researcher of FTMC (Fizinių ir Technologijos Mokslų Centras - Center for Physical Sciences and Technology) of Vilnius (LITHUANIA). He is in secondment within RISE project DiSeTCom at NARRANDO, spin off of University of Salerno (ITALY)

[**] CENTER FOR PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY (FTMC) is the largest scientific research institution carrying out a unique fundamental research and technological development works in scientific fields of laser technologies, optoelectronics, nuclear physics, organic chemistry, bio and nanotechnologies, electrochemical material science, functional materials, electronics, etc. in Lithuania. In the Center not only the innovative science but also high technologies expedient for business and society needs are developed. FTMC was established in 2010 by joining institutes of Chemistry, Physics, Semiconductor Physics in Vilnius and Textile institute in Kaunas. Over the recent years the Center combining different science branches has become one of the leading scientific institutions in Lithuania.

[***] For information and link, please contact plamberti@unisa.it

14 Dicembre 2022 da LAMBERTI Patrizia