Beni Culturali e Discipline delle Arti e dello Spettacolo | International
Beni Culturali e Discipline delle Arti e dello Spettacolo International
Delegate to International Mobility for the Educational Area of Cultural Heritage (Consiglio Didattico di Beni Culturali): prof. Francesca Dell’Acqua
An International Mobility Commission is active within the Educational Area of Cultural Heritage. This is composed of lecturers who established international agreements, and is coordinated by the delegate to the Internationalisation of the educational area. The commission guarantees the necessary logistic and educational support to both incoming and outgoing students. For any information, students may contact the delegate, prof. Francesca Dell’Acqua:
Incoming and outgoing students benefit from the support of the UniSa International office. This office maintains contact with foreign institutions, is responsible for the procedures related to the publication of tenders, and assists incoming students during their stay atUNISA and outgoing students during their stay abroad.
UniSa offers free language courses of Italian language for incoming students and courses of foreign languages for outgoing ones.
Erasmus calls
An Erasmus experience – either for study, dissertation research abroad at MA level, or traineeship – is a qualifying element in a student’s career. The (BA or MA) graduation committee will evaluate positively any period of study spent abroad, and will award one extra mark on the occasion of the graduation session.
Erasmus tenders are published annually. Students are alerted via emails sent to their institutional email address (
The department organises info days on the occasion of the publication of Erasmus tenders for study, dissertation research abroad, and traineeship. All the agreements currently in place at DiSPAC can be consulted here: International.
Students can do an Erasmus Traineeship in lieu of a curricular traineeship. Before their departure, they have to follow the procedure for enrolling in a curricular traineeship, but have to specify that they will do it abroad.
Students can make use of the Erasmus Traineeship agreements already in place at the department (list) or independently search for a host structure (public or private) abroad. They must contact the potential host structure ahead of applying to introduce themselves and obtain from them a letter of acceptance. The acceptance letter template (“Lettera di Accettazione”) can be downloaded from the section Mobilità in Uscita | Opportunità per Studenti, Erasmus+ Mobilità Internazionale per Traineeship – Documenti e Link utili.