Final examination

Social Work Sciences Final examination

The final examination consists in the candidate’s discussion of a paper (produced in the form of a written dissertation) on a topic assigned by an official lecturer of the degree course and written under their supervision. The evaluation of the final examination is expressed out of 110. The Degree Commission, by unanimous decision, may award the candidate the highest mark with honours due to particularly valuable results achieved in relation to the level of the degree awarded. The minimum mark for passing the test is 66 out of 110.

The Degree Commission has a maximum of 6 points to distribute according to the following criteria: (a) quality of the paper and final discussion: from 0 to 4 points; (b) student's career (e.g. current degree, achievement of one or more honours, any stays abroad): from 0 to 1 point; (c) particular merit of the candidate’s research work in writing the final paper: from 0 to 1 point.