Archeologia e Culture Antiche | Tutoring
Archeologia e Culture Antiche Tutoring
The Course of Study provides for various initiatives aimed at following the students throughout their studies.
Every year, normally in October (for Bachelor's degree students) and March (for Master's degree students), the CoS organise two different orientation meetings with freshmen, in order to present the courses on offer to new entrants and answer questions and clarify any doubts. Other meetings are usually organised during the academic year to meet students' particular needs.
Through the Study Plan Commission, the CoS offers guidance and support for the definition of the study plan and the construction of students' careers. In addition, they monitor the consistency with the University Strategic Plan of the results of the indicators related to in-progress guidance, and analyse possible correction and improvement measures.
The CoS also makes use of the guidance and tutoring services provided by the Centro di Ateneo per l'Orientamento e il Tutorato (CAOT).
More information is available at the following link:
In addition, the CSD, through the Department Delegate and in liaison with the Right to Study Office - Disability/DSA Sector, provides, to students who request it, didactic assistance in the form of personalised peer tutoring to facilitate the preparation and passing of examinations, as well as an intermediation service with other referents of the University (teachers and administrative offices), support in the definition of examinations and tests that apply the appropriate compensatory and dispensatory measures provided by law.
More information is available at the following link: