
Archeologia e Culture Antiche Enrollment

Access to the Master’s degree in Archaeology and Ancient Cultures, LM 2

Enrolment on the Master's degree in Archaeology and Ancient Cultures (LM 2) requires the possession of a university degree, either a degree awarded in accordance with the regulations in force prior to Ministerial Decree 509/1999, or a three-year university degree or another degree awarded abroad, recognised as appropriate in accordance with the current regulations.

Academic degrees from foreign universities may be recognized for the purpose of admission to the course of study. More information can be found on the following webpage:


For admission, it is necessary to possess specific knowledge in the fields of histories and cultures from ancient times to the Middle Ages, including at least one ancient language (Greek and/or Latin).


  1. Specific curricular requirements
  2. Adequate personal preparation of the student


Applications for enrolment in master's degree courses (two-year duration) must be submitted from 15 July 2024 to 28 February 2025.

The admission is subject to the possession of specific requirements for each study programme. For the purposes of enrolment, students who do not have a degree which would automatically allow them direct access to the chosen master's degree programme must submit an application for the evaluation of curricular requirements.

Enrolment applications must be submitted exclusively online, eventually using the workstations made available atUNISA.

Curricular requirements

Graduates of the three-year degree course in Archaeology and Ancient Cultures (L 1) and in Cultural Heritage Sciences (Class 13 ex-Ministerial Decree 509/1999) may be admitted to the Master's degree course if they have obtained at least 12 CFUs in archaeological disciplines (L-ANT/04, L-ANT/06, L-ANT/07, L-ANT/08, L-ANT/09, L-ANT/10).

Graduates from other three-year degree programmes who have acquired 90CFUs in the following SSDD groups are also eligible:

  • L-ANT 01 to 10 of which at least 12 CFUs in archaeological disciplines (L-ANT/04, L-ANT/06, L-ANT/07, L-ANT/08, L-ANT/09, L-ANT/10)
  • L-ART 01 to 05
  • L-FIL LET 01 to 10 of which at least 6 CFUs in L-FIL-LET 02 or L-FIL-LET/04
  • M-DEA 01
  • M-GGR 01, 02
  • M-STO 01 to 04

Other candidates permitted

Holders of a university degree, a four-year degree, a five-year degree or a specialised or Master's degree, a qualification obtained abroad and recognised as suitable in accordance with the regulations in force are also admitted, provided that they have acquired the 90 CFUs in the disciplines listed above, on the basis of the following equivalence principle: a one year-long module = 12 CFU; a six month-long module = 6 CFU.

The candidate must also possess computer skills and abilities and a good knowledge of one of the main European languages, written and spoken. This prerequisite must be attested to by the acquisition of at least 5 credits (for foreign languages) and at least 3 credits (for computer skills) obtained in the relevant subject areas or through attendance of specific computer or language laboratories, or documented to by equivalent qualifications. In any case, enrolment with deficient educational qualifications is not permitted.

For further details, please consult the regulations at the link:


Personal preparation requirements

The preparation of students who achieved a weighted average mark of 26/30 in exams passed in the previous degree course is considered adequate.

Ways of verifying personal preparation requirements

Students who have not acquired 12 CFUs in the archaeological disciplines (L-ANT/04, L-ANT/06, L-ANT/07, L-ANT/08, L-ANT/09, L-ANT/10) in their previous career and/or have obtained a weighted average mark of less than 26/30 in their previous degree course will be required to undergo an interview.


An interview will assess the adequacy of knowledge in the field of history and cultures from ancient times to the Middle Ages. The candidate may only attend the interview once during a given academic year. However, the student who is not admitted may re-sit the test in the following academic year. Admission interviews will be held three times a year, in September, December, and February.

Registration with deficient educational qualifications is not permitted in any case.

Enrolment deadlines

In order to enrol on the Master's degree, it is necessary to apply for an evaluation of one's previous academic career within the three deadlines indicated below:

  • 22 September 2024
  • 1 December 2024
  • 16 February 2025

The application must be sent by e-mail to the Department's Careers Office (carrierestudenti.dispac@unisa.it ), using the form that can be downloaded from this page (see link below) and attaching the self-declaration of the previous degree with examinations taken, preferably downloaded from the university website, and a scan of both sides of an ID document.

The application shall be deemed complete upon payment of the €16 stamp duty paid online, the receipt of which will be uploaded in the 'payments' section of the reserved area.

On the basis of the evaluation by a commission, the Teaching Council (Area Didattica), will communicate the outcome to the Careers office, which in turn will notify students, by e-mail.

Candidates may be:

  • admitted and will then be enabled to proceed with the online registration to the degree course;
  • not admitted due to lack of access requirements;
  • conditional admission: the candidate will therefore be called for an interview that will lead to either their admission or non-admission.

Students who register in the degree course after 30 September 2024 may regularly apply for first-semester courses prior to obtaining their Bachelor's degree.

The request must be submitted by email to the DISPAC education office carrierestudenti.dispac@unisa.it using the form attached on this page

The Master's degree course may also be accessed by transferring from another Master’s course, from another university, as a drop-out or lapsed student and by obtaining a second academic degree.

Candidates are required to follow the procedures indicated in the following links and then wait to be notified about their registration, which will take place ex officio.

Change of degree course https://web.unisa.it/didattica/segreteria/servizi?servizio=10

Transfer from another university https://web.unisa.it/didattica/segreteria/servizi?servizio=1

Drop-out or lapsed student https://web.unisa.it/didattica/segreteria/servizi?servizio=16

Second academic degree https://web.unisa.it/didattica/segreteria/servizi?servizio=7

For questions regarding fees, ISEE submission, enrolment, transitions/transfers and online services, please visit this link: https://web.unisa.it/didattica/segreteria/faq

Please note that in the case of enrolment by the final deadline, which is within February 2024, the ISEE must be valid at the time of enrolment, so it must be applied for in the calendar year 2024 prior to the enrolment.

Access arrangements for students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders–SLD (Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento–DSA): assistance with Assessment Test

1) When carrying out the admission test, candidates with a disability certificate (pursuant to law no. 104 of 1992) or diagnosed with specific learning disabilities (DSA) (pursuant to law no. 170 of 2010) can benefit from compensatory tools as well as additional time; they have to specifically request such arrangements following the procedures set out in the University announcement for enrolment.

2) The University will provide for the needs related to the request, adopting all the necessary measures to meet the individual needs expressed by each candidate, considering what is specified in the following paragraphs:

  • for the purpose of organising the test, the candidate with a disability certificate or a certification pursuant to law no. 104 of 1992 must promptly submit to the university the certification (its original version or a certified copy) issued by the competent medical commission for the area specifying the type of disability and/or and the degree of recognised handicap. The candidate is entitled to additional time, however not exceeding 50% of what is established for carrying out the admission test.
  • for the purpose of organising the test, the candidate with DSA (law no. 170 of 2010) must promptly submit to the University the diagnosis of DSA (its original version or a certified copy). In compliance with the "guidelines on specific learning disabilities" attached to the ministerial decree of 12 July 2011 protocol no. 5669, candidates with DSA are granted additional time, however not exceeding 30% of what is established for carrying out the admission test. In the case of particular severity of the DSA, in order to guarantee equal opportunities in carrying out the admission test, the University may allow the use of the following compensatory tools: non-scientific calculator; a video magnifier or a reader/writer tutor chosen by the University with the support of experts or of the University disabled and DSA services. The diagnosis of DSA, as required by law 170/2010 art. 3 and the subsequent State–Regions Agreement of 24/7/2012, must be issued by public bodies or by accredited structures or professionals. The diagnosis must contain: indications for the university programme; indications of test batteries and related scores; detailed therapeutic prescriptions relating to one's condition; suggested compensatory and dispensatory measures, from which the measures relevant to the diagnosis of learning disorders will be deduced. The diagnosis of DSA must have been issued to the minor candidate no more than three years before the date of submission of the request for assistance in the admission test or, if an adult, it must have been updated after their eighteenth year of age. In the case of a certification drawn up by accredited Structures or Specialists, it must be endorsed by the relevant Local Health Authority (ASL–Azienda Sanitaria Locale) in compliance with current regional laws. In any case, the following tools are not permitted: dictionary; formulary; periodic table of elements; conceptual map; personal computers, tablets, smartphones, and similar tools.

3) Candidates with invalidity, disability or DSA residing in foreign countries, who intend to make use of the measures referred to in the previous paragraphs, must present a legalised certification, where required by current international standards, confirming the state of invalidity, disability or DSA, issued in the country of residence; this certification must accompanied by its sworn translation by an official translator, or by a certificate, issued by the local Italian diplomatic representations, either in Italian or English, attesting that the translation conforms to the original text.The University governing body responsible for examining the certifications referred to in the previous paragraphs will ascertain that the foreign documentation certifies a condition of invalidity, disability or specific learning disorder recognised by Italian legislation.

4) Candidates who intend to make use of the aforementioned provisions must submit an application at least 15 calendar days before the admission test, accompanied by the relevant documentation, in PDF, to the Right to Education Office - Disability Sector/DSA (Ufficio Diritto allo Studio – Settore Disabilità/DSA) exclusively via email to the following address: dirstu@unisa.it. To request assistance, candidates must use the form available at the following link: https://www.disabilidsa.unisa.it/servizi/modulistica

Per eventuali informazioni in merito è possibile contattare i seguenti recapiti: dirstu@unisa.it o telefonicamente i numeri 089 966176, 089 966462, 089 966249.

For any information in this regard, you can contact the following email address, dirstu@unisa.it, phone nos. 089 966176, 089 966462, 089 966249.

Non-EU foreign students

Non-EU citizens residing abroad can participate in the test by observing, exclusively, the interministerial provisions relating to the procedures for entry, residence, and registration of foreign/international students on higher education courses in Italy for the year academic 2024/2025 published on the MUR website at http://www.studiare-in-italia.it/studentistranieri/.

Candidates in possession of a qualification obtained abroad must provide evidence of the qualification accompanied by its official translation into Italian, as well as legalisation and a declaration of worth from the Italian diplomatic-consular representative competent for their territory; in the event of a request to shorten the course, they must produce a certificate of academic studies already completed abroad specifying the examinations passed and accompanied by official documentation on the syllabus of the modules they studied.

For the academic year 2024–2025, the pre-enrolment procedure for non-EU citizens will take place via the digital portal UNIVERSITALY. On this platform, applicants will upload all the documents required for their admission to degree courses.

The Italian language test, compulsory for non-EU candidates, will be organised by the University of Salerno on a date to be announced. It will be the responsibility of the University's International Relations-Erasmus Office to inform candidates of the details of the test.

Non-EU citizens residing abroad who wish to take the Assessment Test must have taken and passed the Italian language proficiency test first; then follow all the registration procedures indicated in the preceding paragraphs.

On the day of the Assessment Test, candidates must present themselves with their passport with the specific 'study' entry visa or residence permit, if any, or with the receipt certifying that they have applied for the permit.