
Smart Industry Engineering Enrollment

Entry requirements and admission test. Students wishing to enrol in Smart Industry Engineering master's degree program must have specific curricular requirements and pass the qualification assessment.

Curricular requirements

The possession of the curricular requirements is verified if the candidate has obtained a three-year bachelor degree from an Italian University belonging to the class L-8, class of the Degrees in Information Engineering, or to the class L-9, class of Degrees in Industrial Engineering, having also obtained exams for at least 24 CFU/ECTS in the following scientific areas:ING-IND/08 (Fluid machineries), ING-IND/09 (Energy systems), ING-IND/10 (Applied industrial thermodynamics), ING-IND/11 (Applied environmental thermodynamics), ING-IND/13 (Mechanism of machine systems), ING-IND/14 (Machine design), ING-IND/15 (Methods of drawing and design), ING-IND/16 (Manufacturing process and technologies), ING-IND/17 (Plants and systems of the mechanical industry), ING-IND/22 (Science and technology of materials), ING-IND/24 (Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics), ING-IND/25 (Chemical Plants).

For non-engineering graduates and graduates abroad, the verification of curricular requirements is carried out by considering appropriate equivalences between the courses of non-engineering bachelor programs or bachelor programs abroad and those of the Italian scientific areas. The Department approves the proposal of the Degree programs committee.

Adequacy of personal preparation

It is also required to have a knowledge of the English language with a level equivalent to at least B2 (CEFR). The qualification assessment of each candidate to the enrollment is mandatory.

Ask for further details by mail to codimeg@unisa.it.