
Pharmacy (07601) Enrollment

Admission Procedures for Degree Programs in "Pharmacy" and "Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies"

Information for Test Participation and Selection Procedures

The degree programs in "Pharmacy" and "Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies" have a limited number of seats. The total number of available spots is 300:

  • 200 for the Master's Degree Program in Pharmacy
  • 100 for the Master's Degree Program in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies

These spots will be assigned through a programmed selection process in the first half of September.

Important Information on Deadlines and Registration Procedures for the Selection is provided in the "Admission Notice for the Single-cycle Master's Degree Program in Pharmacy and Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies."

To participate in the selections, it is necessary to have previously taken the Online Test conducted by CISIA (Interuniversity Consortium for Integrated Access Systems: www.cisiaonline.it) in the TOLC-F version (https://www.cisiaonline.it/area-tematica-tolc-farmacia/home-tolc-f/).

Registration for the TOLC-F is done online on the CISIA - Interuniversity Consortium for Integrated Access Systems website (www.cisiaonline.it).

The TOLC-F test can be taken at one of the CISIA consortium's affiliated locations, and the score obtained is valid at any university that adheres to the TOLC-F.

Dates and locations for taking the test are available at https://tolc.cisiaonline.it/calendario.php?tolc=farmacia

The test consists of 50 multiple-choice questions structured in 5 sections:


  • Biology (15 questions - 20 minutes)
  • Chemistry (15 questions - 20 minutes)
  • Mathematics (7 questions - 12 minutes)
  • Physics (7 questions - 12 minutes)
  • Logic (6 questions - 8 minutes)

Total: 50 questions - 72 minutes

Each question is a closed-ended multiple-choice question with 5 possible alternatives, of which only one is correct. The result is determined by the sum of the scores obtained for each individual question, calculated as follows:

  • 1 point for each correct answer
  • (-0.25) points for each incorrect answer
  • 0 points for each unanswered question

Additionally, there are 30 English questions in the test that do not contribute to the final score and must be completed in 15 minutes.

Practice tests with the same structure and duration as the TOLC-F can be found on the CISIA website: https://allenamento.cisiaonline.it/utenti_esterni/login_studente.php

The TOLC-F tests administered by the University of Salerno at the Department of Pharmacy will be conducted in person following the TOLC-F procedures. All information on the administration of TOLC tests can be found on the CISIA website at https://www.cisiaonline.it/tolc-2021-partiti-tutte-le-info/

After the deadline for selection registrations, the TOLC-F scores obtained by candidates are used to create merit rankings in score order.

Key Steps:

  1. Carefully read the admission notices of the locations where you will submit the selection application and all TOLC-F-related information on the CISIA website www.cisiaonline.it.

  2. Register at www.cisiaonline.it, enroll in the TOLC-F, and take the test.

  3. Adhere to the dates indicated in the admission notice to take the TOLC-F.

  4. After taking the TOLC-F, register for the selection mentioned in the admission notice for admission to the Pharmacy and CTF (Single-cycle Master's Degree Programs) courses, available at the link https://web.unisa.it/didattica/immatricolazioni/bandi

If you do not have the institutional credentials of the University of Salerno, connect to the University's website www.unisa.it

If you are among the available spots after the selection, you can submit the enrollment request.

  1. Enrollment:

If you are a WINNER in the ranking, you must enroll within the specified deadlines for each selection and following the methods indicated in the notice. REMEMBER that if you do not enroll within the deadline and according to the specified methods, you permanently lose the right to enrollment.

  1. If you are not in the ranking, you can apply for reassignment and enroll if places become available due to renunciations or transfers.

  2. In case the scores obtained in the various sections of the TOLC-F are below certain thresholds, Additional Training Obligations (OFA) will be assigned, which must be recovered according to the methods indicated in the notice.