
Tecniche di radiologia medica, per immagini e radioterapia (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di tecnico di radiologia medica) Home

The Degree Course in Radiology, Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy belongs to the class of degrees in the technical health professions (class SNT/3), and qualifies graduates to exercise the profession of Radiologic Technologist, subject to registration in the relative Professional Register.

The aim of the Degree Course is to train healthcare professionals in the competent and professional performance of the functions attributed to the professional profile identified by the Regulations on the professional profile of Radiologic Technologist (Ministry of Health Decree 26thSeptember 1994, No. 746 and subsequent amendments and additions), as well as by the Code of Ethics.

Medical Radiologic Technologists carry out their activity in public and private healthcare facilities, whether in a permanent or freelance capacity. The qualification also enables access to second-cycle university studies (Master's Degrees and first-level university Master's Degrees).

A five-year secondary school diploma or equivalent is required for admission to the course of study. The number of places on the degree course is limited annually on a national basis by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) and admission is subject to passing an admission test.

The Degree Course normally has a duration of three years for a total of 180 Credits. Students will acquire a thorough grounding in the basic disciplines, such as to allow a better understanding of the most relevant elements underlying the pathological processes that develop in evolutionary, adult and geriatric age, on which the diagnostic intervention is focused. It also ensures adequate training on protection from ionising radiation.

Professional skills are acquired through a combination of theory (theoretical lessons, seminars, etc.) and practice (learning in clinical and practical training), which also includes the acquisition of relational skills.
Students are also required to engage actively in the internship activities, which constitute one third of the training course (60 credits). The theoretical and practical on-the-job training ensures that, by the end of the course, students will have mastered the skills necessary to exercise the profession and will be immediately ready to seek employment.