Physics and emergent technologies | Final examination
Physics and emergent technologies Final examination
To be admitted to take the final exam for the achievement of the PhD title , students are required to comply with the following obligations:
- fill in the application form for admission to the final exam using the appropriate form on the University website under the heading:
- fill in the AlmaLaurea questionnaire AlmaLaurea.
To this end, if you are not registered with AlmaLaurea services, you must first access the registration procedure from the link: Register on AlmaLaurea and acquire the relevant access credentials.
- pay stamp duty for a total amount of € 32.00,
- Insert in the ATTACHMENTS section of the ESSE3 personal page:
- the title page of the thesis, complete with the signatures of the Coordinator and any Tutor
- the application for admission to the final exam
- the receipt of the AlmaLaurea questionnaire
The terms for the aforementioned obligations are:
- by 30 November for PhD students who do not request or do not obtain the extension of the legal duration of the PhD Course provided for in Article 33 of Law no. 69 of 21 May 2021;
- by 28 February for PhD students who request and obtain the extension of the legal duration of the PhD Course pursuant to art. 33 l. 21 May 2021, n° 69.
All payments to the University of Salerno are made through the new electronic method called PagoPA.
To make payments with pagoPA, only PagoPA Payment Notices can be used, i.e. those that show the Payment Notice Code (IUV).
Payments can be made directly online from the University website, by accessing the "Payments" section of your Reserved Area and choosing from the available tools: credit or debit or prepaid card, or bank transfer or postal order if you have a current account with banks, post offices and other payment service providers participating in the initiative.