Methods and Methodology in the Archeological and Art Historical Research | Incoming Students
Methods and Methodology in the Archeological and Art Historical Research Incoming Students
The PhD program is supported by a dedicated orientation initiative aimed at both Master's students in disciplines related to the doctoral program and current PhD candidates. This initiative serves a dual purpose: on the one hand, it provides Master's students with a clear and structured guide to the opportunities offered by the doctoral program, with specific reference to its educational objectives and research prospects; on the other hand, it offers ongoing support to PhD candidates, assisting them in selecting research venues, both in Italy and abroad.
In particular, the program helps PhD candidates identify libraries, archives, cultural institutions, and academic organizations where they can enrich their research experience, fostering meaningful interactions with prominent national and international entities. The goal is to ensure a comprehensive academic and professional pathway that enhances individual potential and promotes the acquisition of advanced and interdisciplinary skills.
Furthermore, the PhD Board is committed to promoting and enhancing opportunities for PhD candidates to participate in teaching and tutoring activities aimed at undergraduate and graduate students, ensuring that such activities are regulated to avoid interference with research commitments. PhD candidates may engage in teaching support activities aligned with their academic and research objectives, contributing to the education of first- and second-level students while developing transferable skills.
Specifically, dedicated selection calls are issued for PhD candidates to award grants for tutoring, supplementary teaching, preparatory courses, and remedial activities benefiting students enrolled in
the undergraduate and graduate programs of the Dipartimento di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale.
For further information, please contact the program representative: Maddalena Vaccaro,