
Drug Discovery and Development International

The PhD in Drug discovery and development promotes internationalization both inbound – through a doctoral scholarship reserved for those who have obtained a master's degree or equivalent qualification abroad – and outgoing – through study and research stays abroad for doctoral students lasting a maximum of twelve months (eighteen, in the case of thesis co-supervision).

According to the Doctoral Regulations, each PhD student must spend at least 3 months abroad for research activities (not necessarily consecutive). Further constraints may be imposed by the type of scholarship awarded to the doctoral student.

In particular, PNRR scholarships mandatorily provide for at least 6 months of study and research stays at foreign universities and research centers.

Research stays abroad entitles the student to a special increase in the scholarship (also extended to doctoral students without a scholarship) equal to 50% of the ordinary amount of the scholarship.

The interested PhD student must be authorized to leave by the Academic Board by making a request to his/her PhD Coordinator and providing the necessary information (host institution and reference tutor, planned activities consistent with the PhD course, reference period, country, etc.).

List of Institutions that have hosted or are hosting PhD students of the XXXVII-XXXVIII and XXXIX cycles

Erasmus mobility for Study or Traineeship

PhD students can participate in calls for the assignment of scholarships for Erasmus mobility for study or traineeship.

The Department of Pharmacy has numerous mobility agreements for study and mobility for traineeship. The list of Universities, Institutions and Companies with an agreement for mobility is available on the Erasmus+ agreements page.

The call for study mobility is usually published in December of the year before the mobility is to take place. The host university must have an Erasmus mobility agreement for study for PhD students (III cycle) with the Department of Pharmacy.

The call for traineeship mobility is usually published twice a year (in January and June). It is possible to carry out the traineeship at one of the institutions with which the Department has an Erasmus agreement or in a location willing to host the internship.

It is advisable to consult the Calls section of the international website.