Ingegneria dei Sistemi e delle Infrastrutture per l'Ambiente, la Mobilità e il Territorio | Stakeholder Consultations
Ingegneria dei Sistemi e delle Infrastrutture per l'Ambiente, la Mobilità e il Territorio Stakeholder Consultations
The PhD Program considers it of fundamental importance to maintain an active and constant dialogue with the interested stakeholders, professional societies, PhD alumni, doctoral students in progress and teachers, both in the planning and establishment phase and in the process of reviewing the educational plan.
The Consultation of the interested stakeholders, carried out through face-to-face meetings and/or through the delivery of questionnaires or sector studies, allows the Doctoral Training Quality Assurance Group (GAQFD) to periodically verify the consistency between the training requests and the required profiles of researchers and trained professionals, making it possible to update the specific educational objectives of the PhD course also in relation to the employability of the PhD students.