Stakeholder Consultations

Visual arts, Music and Theatre Studies Stakeholder Consultations

Stakeholder consultations

The Council of the Teaching Area of Arts and Performing Arts (CdS in Disciplines of Visual Arts, Music and Performing Arts L-3 and CdS in Multimedia Performing Arts LM-64) considers it of fundamental importance to maintain active and constant dialogue with the exponents of the world of work, professional associations, graduates, students and teachers both in the planning and establishment phase and in the revision phase of the training project.

The Consultation of Interested Parties (PI), in person or through questionnaires or sector studies, allows the Management Bodies to periodically verify the consistency between the demand for training and the cultural and professional profiles trained, allowing the specific training objectives of the Course of Study to be updated also in relation to the employability of graduates.


The consultations with the Interested Parties are aimed at developing a fruitful discussion on the following topics:

  • the educational objectives of the degree courses;
  • the professional profiles identified for the degree courses;
  • the needs of the sector in terms of professional figures and skills;
  • the consistency of the study plan with the needs of the sector;
  • internship and internship opportunities.

Responsible for the Consultation Process

The person responsible for managing the consultation process is the President of the Teaching Area Council.

Methods and Periodicity of Studies and Consultations

In order to measure the needs for professionalism in the labour market, the Consultations with the Interested Parties are carried out in accordance with the University Guidelines (University Guidelines).

Specifically, to carry out the Consultation activities, the Teaching Area of Arts and Performing Arts Disciplines has established a Commission, with the task of supporting its functions and tasks.

The needs of the interested parties are also identified through the analysis of regulatory sources, specific studies and research and Alma Laurea reports.

Commission - Stakeholders



Annamaria Sapienza

President of the Teaching Area

Isabella Innamorati

Stakeholder Coordinator

Massimiliano Locanto

Quality Group Member - PhD

Maria Passaro

University Delegate for Artistic Heritage and representative for the CdS of the Joint Teacher-Student Commission

Giovanni Maria Riccio

Co-responsible for the First Year Admission Test of the DAVIMUS Three-Year Degree Course

Aurora Egidio

Head of Internationalization of the Course



Contact person and Role

ACCADEMIA MUSICALE CHIGIANA – Siena, Palazzo Chigi Saracini

Susanna PASTICCI – Director of Chigiana Journal

Paola Verrengia Gallery – Salerno

Paola VERRENGIA – Director

Giorgio Cini Foundation Institute for Music – Venice

Gianmario BORIO – Director

Eduardo De Filippo Foundation – Naples

Francesco SOMMA – Director

Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini - Lucca

Fulvia MORABITO – President

Associazione Teatro Stabile della Città di Napoli – Teatro Mercadante – Napoli

Mimmo BASSO – Chief Operating Officer

Fondazione Angeletti and ITALY FILM INVESTMENTS

Ugo DI TULLIO – President