Excellence Path - Bachelor's Degree and Master's Degree

Ingegneria dell'Informazione per la Medicina Digitale Excellence Path - Bachelor's Degree and Master's Degree

Excellence Path - Bachelor's Degree and Master's Degree

The DIEM provides, for the most deserving students of the Bachelor's and Master's Degrees, enhancement paths that complement ordinary teaching and offer the possibility of acquiring advanced and interdisciplinary knowledge and skills in the field of Computer Engineering.
It is divided into additional training activities held in seminar format and with a strong applicative nature, where the evaluation takes place in the form of short tests and/or upon presentation of a short final paper.
Students participating in the Excellence Path who have successfully completed the assigned activities will receive from the relevant Department a certificate of the path taken in the form of a "Diploma Supplement" available directly in the Student Career.
The Seminars are held by university professors and experts in the sector of proven fame.
The Excellence Path for Bachelor's Degrees is divided into three years of study and includes the following Seminar Cycles:
Bachelor's Degree:
Year 1:
  • Quantum Processors
  • Numerical Calculus
  • Programming Language Execution Models
Year 2:
  • Taxonomy of Processing Systems
  • Non-Procedural Programming Paradigms
  • Compilers and Grammars
Year 3:
  • Introduction to the C++ language
The Excellence Path for Master's Degrees is divided into two years of study and includes the following Seminar Cycles:
Master's Degree
Year 1:
  • Game Programming
  • Protection of Intellectual Property
  • Protection of Privacy and Data
Year 2:
  • Research and Innovation: Methods, Tools and Professional Figures
  • Creating a StartUp: Challenges and Opportunities
  • Ethical AI

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