Politica e Comunicazione - POLICOM | Teaching Facilities
Politica e Comunicazione - POLICOM Teaching Facilities
Spaces and resources
Doctoral room "Placanica"
Operational and scientific structures
- Computational Linguistics Laboratory “Maurice Gros”
- Experimental Psychology Laboratory-LAPSUS
- Audio-visual Storytelling Laboratory-LABSAV
- Digital Humanities+Info Design Lab
- Laboratory of Political Studies
- Interdepartmental Laboratory of Human Nature and Society-LINUS
- Laboratory of Spatial Analysis and Local Development-SPLODLAB
- Interdepartmental Laboratory of History and Audiovisual Media-SMA
- Anthropological Laboratory
- Laboratory of History Teaching "Ruggiero Moscati"
- Laboratory of historical documentation and Italian and European territorial cultures-DOCSTO
- International Network-Cultural Changes, Inequalities&Sustainable Development-CCLSUD
- Observatory of Communication, Participation & Youth Cultures-OCPCG
- Observatory of teaching and research data analysis
- Brand Management Centre-BMC
- Sustainability Communication Centre
- Observatory of the Evaluation of the Public Administration-OVALPA
- Observatory of the Communication and Information of the Public Administration-OCIPA
- Observatory of the Sustainable Development Planning and Territorial Structure-OPSAT
- Sustainable Development Observatory-OST
- Regional Observatory for youth policies
- Observatory of the Cooperation and Security of the Mediterranean-OCSM
- Sustainability Communication Centre-SSC
- Interdept. Centre Research on Innovation Systems and Sustainable Management-SIMAS
- Interdept. Centre Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies-NANOMATES
Spaces and resources
Doctoral room "Placanica"
Operational and scientific structures
- Computational Linguistics Laboratory “Maurice Gros”
- Experimental Psychology Laboratory-LAPSUS
- Audio-visual Storytelling Laboratory-LABSAV
- Digital Humanities+Info Design Lab
- Laboratory of Political Studies
- Interdepartmental Laboratory of Human Nature and Society-LINUS
- Laboratory of Spatial Analysis and Local Development-SPLODLAB
- Interdepartmental Laboratory of History and Audiovisual Media-SMA
- Anthropological Laboratory
- Laboratory of History Teaching "Ruggiero Moscati"
- Laboratory of historical documentation and Italian and European territorial cultures-DOCSTO
- International Network-Cultural Changes, Inequalities&Sustainable Development-CCLSUD
- Observatory of Communication, Participation & Youth Cultures-OCPCG
- Observatory of teaching and research data analysis
- Brand Management Centre-BMC
- Sustainability Communication Centre
- Observatory of the Evaluation of the Public Administration-OVALPA
- Observatory of the Communication and Information of the Public Administration-OCIPA
- Observatory of the Sustainable Development Planning and Territorial Structure-OPSAT
- Sustainable Development Observatory-OST
- Regional Observatory for youth policies
- Observatory of the Cooperation and Security of the Mediterranean-OCSM
- Sustainability Communication Centre-SSC
- Interdept. Centre Research on Innovation Systems and Sustainable Management-SIMAS
- Interdept. Centre Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies-NANOMATES