
Data Science and Innovation Management Enrollment

To qualify for the Master's Degree in Data Science and Innovation Management, specific curricular requirements and adequate personal preparation are required.

Selection process

Curricular Requirements

  • Bachelor's Degree in Information Engineering; Computer Science and Technology; Statistics (classes: L-8, L-31, L-41 ex DM 270/2004 or corresponding classes ex D.M. 509/99). In case of different Degree, you must have obtained at least 39 CFU/ECTS in total, broken down as follows:18 CFU/ECTS in Mathematics and Statistics (SSD: MAT/01, MAT/02, MAT/03, MAT/05, MAT/06, SECS-S/01, SECS-S/06) and 21 CFU/ECTS in Computer Science (SSD: INF/01, ING-INF/05).

Adequacy of personal preparation

To follow the course successfully, it is necessary to have an adequate first university level preparation in the following subjects:

  • Mathematics: analysis of functions of one and more real variables, successions and numerical series, basic notions of linear algebra;
  • Statistics: basic notions of probability calculation and statistics in the discrete and continuous case, including the study of distributions and the central limit theorem;
  • Computer science: basic notions of programming using a high-level language (e.g., Python, Java, C, C++), algorithms and elementary data structures, databases.

Evaluation Method

Curriculum requirements are verified through an examination of candidates' university careers.

The suitability of the qualifications obtained abroad and of old system’s degree will be verified by the Didactic Council. The verification will cover the specific contents of the training activities that led to the achievement of the title itself and, if needed, candidates will be interviewed for assessing the aforementioned requirements.

Foreign students interested in the evaluation for the admittance to the study courses, need to register on Universitaly.

The adequacy of initial preparation, including knowledge of the Italian language (at least level B2) for non-italian candidates, shall be verified by an interview with the Admission Committee.

In the case of curricular requirements lack, the Didactic Council may indicate the mandatory training activities for their acquisition.

It is not allowed to enroll with training debts.


The admission tests will be open to the public and will take place periodically, normally in September and February.

All the information about the admission tests will be notified on the Department's website and in this section of the Course web page.

Application procedure for international candidates

The study course in Data Science and Innovation Management is delivered exclusively in ITALIAN LANGUAGE.

Non-Italian candidates interested in participating should submit their application exclusively through the Universitaly portal (https://www.universitaly.it/) by referring to the link https://www.universitaly.it/studenti-stranieri. We will only consider applications submitted through this channel. It is important to underline that the course in Data Science and Innovation Management is offered entirely in Italian; therefore, a knowledge of Italian language of at least level B2 is a prerequisite for admission. In order to finalize your enrolment, you must provide proof of your knowledge of Italian.

For information on Italian language courses for foreign students, please refer to https://www.cla.unisa.it/corsi/italianol2.

For A.Y. 2024/2025, the Italian language proficiency test for non-EU citizens permanently residing abroad and visa applicants, aimed at certifying a language proficiency of at least level B2, will be organized with CISIA and will be held remotely using the TEST ITALIANO -L2 (bravo!). For further information https://www.disa.unisa.it/unisa-rescue-page/dettaglio/id/1360/module/488/row/26719/prova-di-conoscenza-della-lingua-italiana-candidati-non-ue-residenti-all-estero-aa-2024-2025

Further information for foreign students can be found in point A) of Appendix 1 of the Announcement of AA 24-25 https://web.unisa.it/didattica/immatricolazioni/scegli-uno-dei-nostri?dettaglio=1443&bando=12263

Further information

For asking an early evaluation for the admission to the Master Degree in Data Science and Innovation Management, please fill the form attached below and send it to the following mail addresses:

