Filosofia | Tutoring
Filosofia Tutoring
Delegate for the Study Program: prof. Renato De Filippis
The Study Program (SP) organizes several initiatives to support students throughout their academic journey.
Each year, typically in October (for Bachelor’s Degree students) and March (for Master’s Degree students), two separate orientation meetings are held with first-year students to present the educational offerings and answer questions or concerns. Additional meetings are usually organized during the academic year to address specific student needs.
Through the Study Plan Committee, the SP provides guidance and support for defining study plans and shaping students’ academic careers. Moreover, it monitors the alignment of results related to orientation indicators with the University’s Strategic Plan and examines potential corrective and improvement measures.
The SP also benefits from the orientation and tutoring services offered by the University Center for Orientation and Tutoring (CAOT).
More information is available at the following link:
Additionally, the SP ensures the availability of the Disability and Specific Learning Disorders Service, part of the Right to Study Office, which provides students, upon request, with the technical and educational aids necessary for attending classes and passing exams. The service also facilitates communication with other University contacts (faculty members and administrative offices), supports the creation of individualized study plans, and assists in defining equivalent exam and assessment procedures. Furthermore, the service is committed to monitoring the accessibility of the University buildings.
More information is available at the following link: