
Smart Industry Engineering Presentation

The Master's Degree Course in Smart Industry Engineering focuses on the highly demanded skills of the manufacturing production engineer with methodological knowledge and application skills related to the main enabling technologies of the so-called Industry 4.0 or fourth industrial revolution.

The program is entirely delivered in English language and aims at achieving a master graduated engineer expert in innovation of process and product.

Graduates will be able to handle innovative technologies to:

manage and operate with advanced production technologies and intelligent materials (Smart technologies / materials);

manage and use rapid / additive manufacturing techniques in industrial processes;

operate and use process and product simulation (Digital twin and simulation);

operate and use the virtualization of production systems (Virtual prototyping);

planning of the product life cycle (Product Lifecycle Management);

use and manage electronic communication on the network between machinery and products (Industrial Internet of Things);

use and manage the electronic integration of data and information along the different production phases of the company (Horizontal Integration).

In order to achieve the aforementioned educational objective, the master program provides a common basis with subjects in the area of mechanical design methods and processing technologies, of the dynamics of identification and control, energy and production planning and plant management and complete training some fundamental disciplines for the definition of the engineer profile for the Smart Industry in the areas of electronics and information technology, process engineering, innovative materials, data analysis applied to industrial processes and modern paradigms of energy and environmental sustainability. Furthermore, the teaching objectives are achieved also through the analysis of case studies and the development of design projects, within university laboratories and/or in collaboration with companies.

The main job opportunities meet the needs expressed by the modern manufacturing industry which invests on process and/or product innovation, and in particular, on production or R&D departments of manufacturing companies; process innovation consultancy companies; advanced services: information technology, management of data networks and energy networks, integration of industrial systems.

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