Gestione e Valorizzazione delle Risorse Agrarie e delle Aree Protette | Job Placement
Gestione e Valorizzazione delle Risorse Agrarie e delle Aree Protette Job Placement
The Course of Study in Management and Valorisation of Agricultural Resources and Protected Areas, through the Job placement commission, composed of prof. Marialuisa Saviano ( as coordinator and prof. Donato Castronuovo ( as contact person for the Course of Study, promotes a set of extra-curricular internships and Job Placement actions, as shown in the following Table.
Training seminars on entering the job market | Strengthening the soft skills and self-promotion skills of graduates in the job market (traditional CV writing; innovative forms with Video-CVs; building an identity profile on social networks; how to deal with |
Series of meetings with extra-departmental structures for students in the last year of the degree course and recent graduates with a view to outgoing orientation | - Knowing business realities and career opportunities of potential interest; - Identifying opportunities for the development of experimental degree theses in the company; - Identifying critical success factors for inclusion in specific companies and, more generally, in the related sectors, also in the form of post-graduate internships; - Starting a self-assessment of a professional profile developed with respect to the specific needs of the world of work; - Encouraging the creation of a network of relationships with a view to entering the job market. |
Virtual Recruiting | Online interviews with undergraduates and recent graduates for the purpose of possible job placement or activation of post-graduate internships. |
DIFARMA-Link Career Days | Outgoing orientation / job placement to facilitate the meeting between undergraduates and recent graduates and recruiters from the business world. |
Extra-curricular internships | - Promote the stipulation of specific agreements with companies and institutions active in the sectors of interest for the Course of Study in order to facilitate the access in the world of work; - Certify the skills acquired for the purposes of job placement and subsequent professional experiences. |
DifarmAlumni | Promoting the comparison and exchange of information on career opportunities and working conditions as demonstrated by the experiences of the Course of Study Graduate Community. |
To support the Course of Study graduate community and with the aim to exchange career opportunities, the DifarmAlumni LinkedIn Group has been created.
Click here to join DIFARMAlumni.
Finally, the Course of Study, through the Job placement Commission and the Department Internship and Job Placement Office (, promotes collaborations with external experts of work placement, selecting initiatives for career development opportunities and/or outgoing orientation.
A - Procedure and documentation for the activation and management of extra-curricular internships
B - Documentation for carrying out extra-curricular internships
C - Job placement initiatives and participating opinions