
Information Engineering Enrollment

To be admitted to the PhD Program, a Master degree or other equivalent qualification obtained abroad and recognized as suitable is necessary. Access is through a competition for qualifications and exams, according to the procedures described in the “Regolamento di Ateneo in materia di Dottorato di Ricerca”

The Curriculum Vitae, the Master degree mark, any letters of presentation by scholars from outside the University of origin, any publications, documentation of any other training or research activities carried out, constitute evaluable qualifications. The curriculum must include the list of exams taken during the Bachelor degree and Master degree, with the marks obtained and the main topics studied.

During the exams, Candidates must demonstrate: knowledge of the main topics concerning Computer Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Automation Engineering and Telecommunications Engineering; analytical skills; knowledge of English at least at CEFR B2 level. Applicants may be asked to answer written questions.

The calls for the PhD positions will be published on the page: