
Social Work Sciences Enrollment

The experimental professionally-oriented three-year degree course in Social Work Sciences has a programmed selected access. The number of places available for the academic year 2023/2024 is 50 divided into:

- no. 49 places available for EU and non-EU citizens legally residing in Italy pursuant to Article 26 of Law no. 189/2002 of 30 July 2002;

- no. 1 place available for non-EU citizens not covered by art. 26 of law no. 189/2002.

  1. Admission requirements

To be admitted to the degree course applicants must:

1) be in possession of an upper secondary school diploma obtained in Italy or another suitable qualification obtained abroad;

2) take a compulsory admission test, aimed at verifying the adequacy of the initial preparation and at determining a merit ranking to admit the candidates who have successfully taken the test up to the number of places available.

The test is carried out through the access test TOLC-SU in TOLC@CASA mode available on the CISIA (Inter-university Consortium Integrated Access Systems) website. TOLC-SU stands for “Test Online CISIA – Studi Umanistici” [CISIA Online Test - Humanistic Studies]. Students who already have a diploma or are attending the last year of upper secondary schools can take the TOLC-SU.

The test dates for the academic year 2023/2024 are as follows:

  • Thursday, 11 May 2023
  • Tuesday, 11 July 2023
  • Friday, 1 September 2023
  • Monday, 18 September 2023

The minimum score to be achieved in the test in order to be admitted to the Degree Course in Social Work Sciences is 20 points out of the 50 available, with refer to the assessment areas including Text comprehension, Knowledge of the Italian language, Knowledge and skills acquired during former studies, Logical reasoning.

  1. Call for application

In addition to the compulsory admission test TOLC-SU, candidates must take part in the call for application, following the procedures listed in point 5 (below).

Please, note that taking the TOLC-SU without having responded to the call for application does not allow to be enrolled in the degree course. Therefore, it is necessary to check the publication of the call for application and the relevant deadlines, as stated in point 5.

The call for application for the experimental professionally-oriented three-year degree course in Social Work Sciences is published at https://web.unisa.it/didattica/immatricolazioni/bandi/corsi-laurea. Please, read the call for application to check the deadlines and fulfil the requirements. The call for application is normally published in July.

  1. The TOLC-SU – Test structure and marks

The questions in the TOLC-SU are organised in three sections, plus an additional section for English.

The score obtained in the first three sections is used to determine the final admission ranking (the English language test score is not taken into account).


Number of questions

Time at disposal

Text comprehension and knowledge of the Italian language


60 minutes

Knowledge and skills acquired in prior studies


20 minutes

Logical reasoning


20 minutes



100 minutes



15 minutes

Total including English


115 minutes

You can consult the CISIA website for information on the structure of the test and the syllabus, to take mock tests and to watch a video tutorial showing how to register for the TOLC-SU.

The result of each TOLC-SU is determined by the number of correct, incorrect and not given answers which determine an absolute score, obtained as follows:

  • 1 (one) point for each correct answer
  • 0 (zero) points for each not given answer
  • - 0.25 (minus zero point twenty-five) for each incorrect answer.

The result of the English language test is determined by the number of correct, incorrect and not given answers, resulting in an absolute mark, derived from

  • 1 (one) point for each correct answer
  • 0 (zero) points for each not given answer
  • no penalty for incorrect answers.

Admission to the degree is based on the ranking list resulting from the score obtained in the admission test, also taking into account what established in art. 4 for non-EU candidates resident abroad, within the limit of the places available.

Candidates achieving a score greater or equal to 24/30 in the English Language section will be awarded 3 ECTS if the latter is selected as a foreign language in the Study Plan.

In case of a tied score, the younger candidate prevails (Law 127/97, art. 3, par. 7, as amended by art. 2, par. 9, of Law 16 July 1998, no. 191).

  1. Additional Formative Obligations (OFA)

Despite passing the selection and meeting the admission criteria for the degree course, candidates may be assigned Additional Formative Obligations (OFA) in case they do not reach the threshold scores in the TOLC-SU as specified below.

In particular, Additional Formative Obligations (OFA) do NOT accrue for students who reach the threshold values in both the following groupings:

  • 15 points (out of a maximum of 40): sum of the scores for “Comprehension of the text and knowledge of the Italian language” and “Knowledge and skills acquired during prior studies”.
  • 4 points (out of a maximum of 10): “Logical reasoning”.

OFAs are envisaged on individual groupings where the threshold is not reached.

If the student does not fulfil the Additional Formative Obligations during the first year, they may still enroll in the second year, but they cannot sit second-year exams before passing the Additional Formative Obligations test. The student will have to repeat the test, which will take place at subsequent sessions announced on the Degree Course website.

Every year the teaching structure confirms or modifies the specific educational activities to be activated for the recovery of any educational debts found in the admission test. Attendance of recovery activities (OFAs) for students with educational debts is compulsory. Formative debt fulfilment is verified at the end of the recovery activity, through a test that conforms to the one carried out by CISIA.

Academic year 2023/2024.

  1. Taking the TOLC-SU, fee payment, participation in the call for applications and enrolment

In order to be admitted to the first year 2023/2024 of the experimental professionally-oriented three-year degree course in Social Work Sciences, the following procedure must be followed.


- Sign up on the University of Salerno - Dept. of Political and Social Studies TOLC-SU virtual seat on the CISIA website (https://www.cisiaonline.it/area-tematica-tolc-cisia/come-iscriversi-al-tolc/iscriversi-al-tolc-a-casa/) following the instructions and deadlines given in the TOLC@CASA Studenti Regulations (https://www.cisiaonline.it/area-tematica-tolc-cisia/regolamenti/regolamento-tolccasa/).

The following test dates are scheduled for the academic year 2023/2024:

  • Thursday, 11 May 2023
  • Tuesday, 11 July 2023
  • Friday, 1 September 2023
  • Monday, 18 September 2023

- After reading carefully all the instructions https://www.cisiaonline.it/il-giorno-del-tolccasa-cosa-fare-e-come-avviare-la-prova/, take the TOLC@CASA test in one of the above dates,

It is also possible to take the TOLC-SU at a place other than the University of Salerno (see the CISIA-date-TOLC-SU calendar). In fact, the test taken at any venue participating in the TOLC project is recognized by all other venues.

PLEASE NOTE: TOLC-SU tests taken after 18/09/2023 will not be taken into consideration for selection purposes.

In order to take the test, the participant must pay the compulsory all-inclusive contribution to expenses set at € 30.00 collected by CISIA on behalf of the university venue. The contribution for the admission test is not refundable in any way.

For the TOLC@CASA mode, candidates are invited to consult the regulations and room configuration, according to the documents available at: https://www.cisiaonline.it/area-tematica-tolc-cisia/cose-il-tolc/. Tutorial: What to do on the day of TOLC@CASA


Besides taking the TOLC-SU, to be admitted to the Degree Course in Social Work Sciences candidates must participate in the call for application. To this end, it is necessary to register with the University IT system using SPID (Sistema Pubblico di Identità Digitale - Public Digital Identity System) in the following ways:

  1. connect to the University website: www.unisa.it; select the links: “Servizi on Line”, and “AreaUtente (ESSE3)” to access the Reserved Area;
  2. select from the menu on the right of the page the option: “registration” and complete the registration with SPID. Candidates who hold the access codes, being already registered in the University IT system, do not need to sign up.
  3. 3. Access the Reserved Area by selecting the “login” option of “AreaUtente (ESSE3)”, click on “Test for courses with programmed access” and select to register for Social Work Sciences.
  4. 4. Confirm and continue
  5. 5. Enter your identity document and continue

Applications sent by e-mail, mail, fax or hand-delivered will not be accepted. The on-line procedures indicated in the present and the following points are accessible from any computer workstation connected to the network. Once expired the deadline for the call for application, it will no longer be possible to register for the selection.

Specifically, registration on the University computer system and enrolment in the call for applications must be carried out within the deadlines specified in the call for applications, which will be published at: https://web.unisa.it/didattica/immatricolazioni/bandi/corsi-laurea.

Those who in the TOLC-SU test did not score at least 20 points overall, including the three areas of Text comprehension and Knowledge of the Italian language, Knowledge and skills acquired in prior studies, and Logical reasoning may participate in the call for applications. In this case, their application will be considered in the event of vacancies, notwithstanding the criteria of the highest score obtained and the younger age in case of tied scores.


After taking the TOLC-SU test, candidates must:

  1. 1. Wait for the results of the ranking, which can be consulted on the registration page of University website


  1. Check their position and report any anomalies to the Education, Collegiate Bodies, Higher Education, and Careers Office (D4) - CDS/DISPS exclusively by e-mail to mailto:carrierestudenti.disps@unisa.it within 2 days of the publication of the ranking;
  2. Proceed to the enrolment according to the procedures indicated on the website http://www.unisa.it.

Go to “On-line services/Student services/User area (ESSE3)”.

Click on Enrolment from the menu on the left and then fill in the enrolment application following the instructions provided by the procedure. Detailed information on all the steps to be followed to enroll in the Course in Social Work Sciences will be published on the page of the University website dedicated to enrolment.

Candidates who are favorably ranked must finalize their enrolment within 10 days of the publication of the ranking, by Rector’s Decree, on the page dedicated to enrolment https://web.unisa.it/didattica/immatricolazioni/bandi/corsi-laurea. This operation cannot be extended beyond the deadline indicated above.

  1. General Calendar

The General Calendar, indicating the strict deadlines for the selection, is as follows:

Enrolment in CISIA (TOLC-SU)

Expected deadlines on the https://www.cisiaonline.it/

Application for UNISA -ESSE3 - Call for applications L39

Deadline: the call will be published in July 2024.

TOLC-SU Department of Political and Social Studies - virtual seat University of Salerno

· Thursday, 11 May 2023

· Tuesday, 11 July 2023

· Friday, 1 September 2023

· Monday, 18 September 2023

TOLC-SU Course - Other Universities

From 01/01/2022 until 18/09/2023

Publication of the ranking

Within five days of the last day of the test

Registration deadline for successful candidates

Within 10 days of the publication of the ranking by Rector's Decree on the registration page https://web.unisa.it/didattica/immatricolazioni/bandi/corsi-laurea

  1. Applicants with disabilities

The TOLC-SU is also organised taking into account the individual needs of candidates with disabilities, in accordance with Articles 16 and 20 of Law no. 104 of 5 February 1992 and subsequent amendments, as well as students with DSA, certified in accordance with Law no. 170/2010.

Candidates who find themselves in one of the aforementioned situations, when registering in the TOLC@CASA area of the CISIA portal, can declare that they have a disability or specific learning disorder, request specific aids and upload the relative documentation.

Candidates with disabilities or DSA who intend to take the TOLC-SU test at the University of Salerno's virtual location must submit an application for assistance, accompanied by documentation, by e-mail to the Right to Study Office (dirstu@unisa.it) within fifteen days of the test for which assistance is requested. The application for assistance can be downloaded at the following link: https://www.disabilidsa.unisa.it/servizi/modulistica

Candidates with disabilities or DSA are also invited to contact the delegate, prof. Rossella Trapanese (email: mailto:rtrapanese@unisa.it).