DipsumDIlls | Presentation
DipsumDIlls Presentation
The Doctorate in Literary, Linguistic and Historical Studies Dills is embedded in the Department of Humanities (DipSUm) of the University of Salerno. By its institutional vocation, the DipSUm proposes interdisciplinary training courses that involve close collaboration between linguistic, literary and historical disciplines. In addition to the members of the DipSUm, the Board of Lecturers of the Dills includes lecturers of other departments of the University of Salerno, as well as lecturers of other Italian and foreign universities, with whom there are scientific and didactic collaborations. Dills is divided into three curricula - Literary Studies, Linguistic Studies and Historical Studies - aimed at the acquisition of specific interdisciplinary research skills and methodologies in accordance with the directives expressed by the European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation "Horizon 2020", which places interdisciplinarity and intersectionality at the basis of the Dills doctoral project. The different scientific directions find a substantial convergence in the methodological approaches and in the dialogue between the sciences working on the texts addressed in their different diachronic and synchronic, written and oral, theoretical and applied declinations. The Literary Studies curriculum offers courses of an eminently interdisciplinary nature in the field of literature and cultures of ancient and new traditions (Italian, European, American and transnational). The study paths focus on the analysis of the literary text in its philological, linguistic, semiotic and rhetorical aspects both in relation to texts in one or more languages and in relation to the other arts. The Language Studies curriculum offers an in-depth study of linguistic theories, the analysis of linguistic data, language didactics, the main fields of applied linguistics (including computer linguistics) and translation. It aims to train language scholars and professionals who are able to contribute scientifically to knowledge in the field and to organise the production and management of language services in which theoretical, methodological and applied skills are required. The curriculum of Historical Studies - 'History, Image, Narrative in the Modern and Contemporary Age' - is aimed at the study of history (political, cultural, religious, social and economic), which cannot disregard the multiplicity of different research methodologies and an adequate use of sources. Among these, particular importance is attached to the media, including in the term those cultural manifestations that can be analysed as mass media.
Educational and training activities
The Dills PhD aims to train highly qualified researchers and cultural practitioners who are able to critically analyse linguistic and literary texts, cultural and historical phenomena, and to situate and interpret them in the light of the context of production, the modes and history of transmission, and the mechanisms of reception.
The three Dills curricula - which are based on the study of literary, linguistic and historical cultural topics - are aimed at the acquisition of specific interdisciplinary research skills and methodologies. The training objectives that Dills aims to achieve can be summarised as follows:
- Development of advanced training of specialists in languages, cultures, literatures and historical research, with a specific focus on the dynamics of changing cultural and intermediary forms and systems, enabling them to cope excellently with research tasks as well as cultural management tasks in the European and American spheres.
- Training of researchers with expertise in the history, structures and operating rules of languages and human language, as well as in the processes of language contact and language change, who are able to dutifully insert themselves in different working contexts, but also to provide linguistic and cultural consultancy in the fields of theatre and entertainment, publishing and cultural intermediation.
- Inclusion of doctoral students in nationally and internationally active research groups and optimization of international experience for better job placement.
Didactic Organisation and Lines of Research
The Literary Studies curriculum offers specialised and interdisciplinary courses relating to European and American literatures from the medieval period to contemporary times. Particular emphasis is placed on the place of literature in relation to the social context and its relationship to other means of
artistic expression.
The Language Studies curriculum is aimed at scholars interested in synchronic and diachronic linguistic research and its applications. A doctorate in the Linguistic Studies curriculum can be the start of an academic career in research centres, but it can also be a training period for entering the world of work in various fields in the fields of information technology and the processing of oral and written linguistic databases; in industry and in public and private administrative sectors; in school and extracurricular language education; in intervention activities for Italian L2; in the design of activities on public communication; in activities in the fields of international relations and language integration policies at European-level institutions; in activities in the field of language teaching and cultural intermediation; in lexicographic activities at companies and companies producing dictionaries and online language resources.
The Historical Studies curriculum offers a course of study and research in the field of the history and geography of the late Middle Ages, the modern and the contemporary age. The reference topics focus on the political and institutional events of the late medieval and modern age, with particular attention also to the religious, social and economic dynamics that marked those centuries. For the contemporary field, topics relate to the problems of politicisation, violence and European and American conflicts of the 19th century, 20th century political and intellectual history, the history of national representations and imaginaries, as well as the analysis of audiovisual sources and tools. The programme proposes original and innovative research across different issues and with an openness that is not only European and Mediterranean, but also global.