
Matematica Enrollment

Enrollment in the Master's Degree Program in Mathematics Academic Year 2024/2025



1. Enrollment in the Master's Degree Program requires a Bachelor's Degree or a three-year university diploma, or an equivalent foreign qualification recognized under current legislation.

2) In order to be admitted to the Master's Degree Program in Mathematics, specific curricular requirements and adequate personal preparation of the student, as indicated below, are also required:

a) Curricular requirements:

i) A degree in the following class: L-35 (or class 32 ex D.M. 509/99).

ii) In the case of a degree in different classes, it is necessary to have obtained at least 104 ECTS credits distributed as follows:

  • 42 ECTS in basic subjects within the SSD MATH-01÷06 of the Basic Mathematics Training area;
  • 62 ECTS in characterizing subjects within the SSD MATH-01÷06 of the Theoretical Training or Modeling-Application Training area.

In the case of a lack of minimum curricular requirements in terms of SSD/ECTS, the Teaching Council may indicate the training activities necessary to acquire them. In any case, any curricular integrations in terms of ECTS credits must be acquired by the student before the verification of individual preparation; in no case is enrollment permitted with training debts.

b) Adequacy of personal preparation To be admitted to the Master's Degree Program, adequate personal preparation of the student is required. The adequacy of the preparation for admission is ascertained through an examination of the graduate's university career and, if necessary, a verification in person, which may consist of an individual interview and/or a written test. The subjects of the test aimed at verifying the adequacy of personal preparation are the following:

MATH-01/A - Logic

Formal systems and languages: propositional calculus, first-order logic and their completeness; Boolean algebras.

MATH-02/A - Algebra

Elements of set theory; elements of arithmetic, algebraic structures, groups, rings, vector spaces, polynomial rings, elements of field theory.

MATH-02/B - Geometry

Vector spaces and linear transformations; matrices, determinant, and rank; endomorphisms and diagonalization; scalar products; affine spaces; topological spaces and continuous functions; compactness, connectedness, and separation properties; geometric properties of curves and surfaces.

MATH-03/A - Mathematical Analysis

Functions of one and several real variables: limits, derivatives, integrals; sequences and series of functions; curves and surfaces, line and surface integrals; ordinary differential equations, first-order and higher-order, linear and nonlinear.

MATH-03/B - Probability and Mathematical Statistics

Basic elements of probability; conditional probability and independence of events; random variables, random vectors, moments and mixed moments; asymptotic theorems for random variables.

MATH-04/A - Mathematical Physics

Kinematics and dynamics of a point and of free and constrained systems; geometry of masses.

MATH-05/A - Numerical Analysis

Representation of real numbers on a computer and rounding error; numerical methods for systems of linear and nonlinear equations; approximation of data and functions; quadrature formulas; numerical methods for finding the eigenvalues of matrices.

MATH-06/A - Operations Research

Linear, conical, and convex combinations; convex functions and convex sets; formulation of optimization problems through Linear Programming models; Simplex Method; Duality Theory and post-optimality analysis.

3. Graduates of the L-35 class who have obtained the degree with a grade of at least 85/110 are exempt from the test to verify the adequacy of initial preparation.

The methods and timing for verifying the admission requirements and assessing the adequacy of preparation for admission are defined annually in the Study Plan and published on the website of the Degree Program.

For the current academic year, the test is through a written exam that will take place twice, in September and February, before the start of the first and second semester courses.

Candidates referred to in point 2.a).ii) and candidates who do not meet the requirement referred to in point 3 are required to submit an application for the assessment of the requirements for enrollment in the Master's Degree Program, available at the following link on the website of the University of Salerno: http://web.unisa.it/didattica/immatricolazioni/informazioni

The aforementioned application must be sent by email, with a scanned copy of the front and back of your identification document attached, to the Career Office of the Department of Mathematics (carrierestudenti.dipmat@unisa.it), by the 15th day of the month (September or February) in which the test in which you intend to participate is held. No payment is required to submit the application..