Digital Health and Bioinformatic Engineering | Enrollment
Digital Health and Bioinformatic Engineering Enrollment
Basic disciplines.
MATHEMATICS – functions and differential calculus (one or more real variables). Vectors in the plane and in the Euclidean space; vector fields. Linear systems. Integral calculus. Complex numbers. Matrix algebra. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Complex calculus.
PHYSICS – kinematics. Dynamic of point-mass and systems of particles. Work and energy. Rigid body dynamics. Gravity. Electric fields. Electric current and circuits. Magnetic fields. Electromagnetism (induction).
Characterizing and Engineering disciplines.
AUTOMATION – continuous-time linear systems analysis in the complex variable and frequency domains. Classic linear feedback control design for linear systems in the complex variable and frequency domains. Analysis of linear discrete-time systems in the complex variable domain.
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING – methods related to the study of linear time invariant circuits in the time and frequency domains. Analysis of static circuits. Analysis of dynamic circuits in stationary conditions. Analysis of simple filters.
TELECOMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING – Probability spaces and random variables. Analysis of continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems (deterministic and random) in the frequency and time domains. Methods for the numerical processing of signals.
SOFWTARE AND PROGRAMMING – Fundamentals of structured programming. Basic data structures: vectors, matrices and structures. Sorting and search algorithms. Fundamental data structures: stacks, queues, lists, binary search trees, hash tables. Methods for the analysis/design of recursive algorithms. The object-oriented programming paradigm. Classes, instances and methods. Abstract data types, encapsulation, visibility rules. Interface and implementation inheritance. Polymorphism, the substitution principle and dynamic dispatch. Exceptions management. Fundamentals of concurrent programming. Spatial and temporal complexity of algorithms.
ARCHITECTURES AND NETWORKS – Methods to analyze/design combinatorial and sequential networks. Sequential machines and key combinatorial machines. Structuring and programming principles for the low level of a calculator. Architecture and sizing of the components of a computer: CPU, memory, I/O devices. Architectures and models for computer networks: models based on levels, packet-switching networks, ISO/OSI. Internet and LAN network architectures. TCP/IP protocols.
DATABASES AND OPERATING SYSTEMS – Relational model: tables and constraints. Architecture and models of databases. Database design: conceptual, logic and physical. Architecture and characteristics of transaction-based systems. Structure of an Operating System. Characteristics of the key Operating Systems. Scheduling and synchronization of processes/threads, memory management, file system management. Key commands of an operating system.