
Storia e Critica d'Arte Tutoring

With a view to promoting effective career development, the Department provides through the coordination of the delegate various initiatives aimed at following students throughout their studies:

- support for the definition of the study plan: the Department guarantees this activity through the widespread and constant work of the specific Study Plan Commissions, coordinated by the respective Presidents of the Academic Councils and supported by dedicated administrative staff and specially selected student tutors. Starting from the 2019/2020 academic year, the Department activated appointments open to all students with the presence of teachers from the various Councils, student representatives and ad hoc selected tutors; the appointments are aimed at offering support to students in relation to the compilation of study plans and specific administrative problems.

- support for newly enrolled students: every year in October, the different study programs hold two different meetings with first-year bachelor's and master's degree students, to present the educational offer to new students and answer doubts and questions. Other meetings are organized during the academic year to respond to the particular needs of students

- didactic support from professors: this support is provided by the professors and researchers of the various Study Programs at pre-established times and days, and published on the web pages of the Study Programs and on the professors' pages.

- Help teaching: in relation to the needs that emerged from the discussion with the student component, the department offers teaching support activities; in particular, as part of the broader help teaching strategy promoted by the Department, the single Study Programs activate every year:

  1. support courses related to disciplines;
  2. study and exam preparation support desks;
  3. specific remedial courses (e.g. for modern languages and classical languages)

The Department also makes use of the guidance and tutoring services provided by the University Center for Orientation and Tutoring (CAOT).

Further information is available at the following link: http://www.orientamento.unisa.it/

Furthermore, the University guarantees the Disability and Specific Learning Disorders Service pertaining to the Right to Study Office which provides students who request them with technical and educational aids necessary for attending lessons and passing exams, a service intermediation with other University contacts (professors and administrative offices), support in the definition of individualized study plans, as well as in the definition of equivalent exams and tests. The service is also involved in monitoring the accessibility of the University buildings.

More information is available at the following link: https://www.disabilidsa.unisa.it/en