Teaching Facilities

Matematica Teaching Facilities

Aula F6FINV-12BPTE030

UbicazionePiano terra - Edificio F2 (Campus di Fisciano)
TipologiaAula Media

Aula F5FINV-12BPTE031

UbicazionePiano terra - Edificio F2 (Campus di Fisciano)
TipologiaAula Media

Aula F3FINV-12BPTE036

UbicazionePiano terra - Edificio F2 (Campus di Fisciano)
TipologiaAula Media

Laboratorio L11FINV-12BS01049

UbicazionePiano -1 - Edificio F2 (Campus di Fisciano)
TipologiaLaboratorio didattico
UbicazionePrimo piano - Edificio F3 (Campus di Fisciano)
TipologiaLaboratorio didattico


UbicazioneSecondo piano - Edificio F3 (Campus di Fisciano)
TipologiaSpazio Attività Complementari


UbicazioneSecondo piano - Edificio F3 (Campus di Fisciano)
TipologiaSpazio Attività Complementari
UbicazionePiano terra - Edificio F3 (Campus di Fisciano)
TipologiaAula Media
UbicazionePiano -1 - Edificio F3 (Campus di Fisciano)
TipologiaAula delle Lauree
  Fonte Dati: Vetrina Aule

Teaching Classrooms

The following teaching classrooms are available for the Courses of Studies (CoS) in Mathematics, for the ordinary didactic activities, not for exclusive use. The use plan is established annually during the didactic planning, but can be integrated if necessary for specific needs. Generally, the bachelor's CoS and the master's CoS use the listed classrooms for tuition and proficiency exams. In addition, the CoS in Mathematics benefit from classroom P1 for graduate sessions, divulgative meetings and orientation activities, in particular as part of the Piano Lauree Scientifiche (Science Degree Plan). When needed, CoS in Mathematics also use other classrooms, managed by other departments.

Name Location Capacity Equipment

Aaccessible to
disabled people

F3 Building F2, ground floor,
ID code: FINV-12B-PTE-036
seats 79 PC, A/V, WiFi yes
F6 Building F2, ground floor,
ID code: FINV-12B-PTE-030
seats 69 PC, A/V, WiFi yes
P5 Building F3, ground floor,
ID code: FINV-13C-PTE-003
seats 85 PC, A/V, WiFi yes
P18 Building F3, secondo floor,
ID code: FINV-13C-P02-023
seats 36 PC, A/V, WiFi yes
P19 Building F3, secondo floor,
ID code: FINV-13C-P02-008
seats 40 PC, A/V, WiFi yes
P1 - Auditorium Building F3, underground floor,
ID code: FINV-13C-S01-001
seats 200 PC, A/V, WiFi yes

Laboratories and Computer Classrooms

Students of the Courses of Study in Mathematics have access to the Laboratories listed below. These Laboratories are managed by the Department of Mathematics, and access is also open to students from other Courses of Study when necessary. Research Laboratories may be used by undergraduates during the development of their final theses.

Name Type Location Capacity Equipment Accessible to
disabled people
L11 Didactic Laboratory Building F2, underground floor,
ID code: FINV-12B-S01-049
seats 40
workplaces 29
PC, A/V, LIM, WiFi yes
P12 Didactic Laboratory Building F3, secondo floor,
ID code: FINV-13C-P02-002
seats 60
workplaces 29
PC, A/V, LIM, WiFi yes

Study Rooms

Students of the Courses of Study n Mathematics use the study rooms, for non-exclusive use, located in the buildings of the former Faculty of Sciences and shown in the list below. In addition, students may use teaching classrooms outside the course schedule. Finally, they can also use 6 study rooms, with a total of 540 seats, located in the Science Pole Library located about 100 meters from the buildings of the former Faculty.

Location Capacity Equipment Accessible to
disabled people
Building F, first floor, ID code: FSTEC-07-P01-107 seats 72 WiFi yes
Building F, second floor, ID code: FSTEC-07-P02-006 seats 60 WiFi yes
Building F, first floor, ID code: FSTEC-09-P02-010 seats 48 WiFi yes