
Ingegneria Informatica Tutoring

The ongoing guidance activities are aimed at facilitating students in making informed choices among the available options (curricula, free-choice courses) provided by the Academic Regulations.

The Academic Council organizes a dedicated tutoring service with faculty members involved in these orientation activities. Additionally, a series of seminars is offered to second-year students enrolled in the Bachelor’s programs in Computer Engineering and Information Engineering for Digital Medicine. These seminars aim to assist students in selecting their curriculum and the courses to include in their study plan. Moreover, a seminar specifically dedicated to third-year students is organized to present the Master’s degree programs.

In particular, the tutoring activities primarily focus on providing:

  • General information about the degree program to help students understand its key contents, educational objectives, and the basic skills required for attending the courses, along with study methods.
  • Assistance in preparing the study plan, including support to address any disparities in initial conditions.
  • Guidance in selecting the thesis topic and/or internship, helping to highlight the student’s skills, aptitudes, and interests.

Furthermore, the Academic Council provides educational tutoring to assist first- and second-year students in preparing for exams. More information can be found at this link.

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