Job Placement

Matematica Job Placement

The Mathematics Teaching Council has established the Commission for "Outgoing Orientation and Job Placement" with the aim of:

  • promoting relationships with external bodies, and defining procedures related to internship activities at schools, laboratories, and companies;
  • promoting, organizing, and monitoring activities related to graduate placement;
  • promoting and organizing activities related to inclusion in scientific research activities in university institutions and research institutions;
  • promoting and organizing activities related to information on access channels to school careers, including providing students and graduates with updates on current legislation, and training future teachers.


  • The University Placement Service, within the activities of the Right to Education Office, promotes the integration of students, undergraduates and graduates of the University into the world of work, acting as a bridge between the University and companies, institutions, associations and actors of the local and national economic fabric. The job offers and activities of the Placement service can be found here, and in particular those of interest to Mathematicians are advertised through the mailing lists and In the section dedicated to Student/Graduate Services, you can register on the AlmaLaurea portal, update your CV already entered before graduation and finally consult the job offers on AlmaLaurea or on the University notice board.
  • Every year, DIPMAT organizes Orientation Meetings with companies dedicated to students of the Degree Courses in Mathematics, information relating to the meetings can be found here.

Master's Degree in Mathematics

The Master's Degree in Mathematics at the University of Salerno is an advanced level training project in the field of mathematics, and aims to provide students with a solid preparation with advanced knowledge and in-depth skills in mathematics and its applications, both from a content and methodological point of view. The Course is divided into two curricula:

  • General-Didactic Mathematics,
  • Applied Mathematics,

and offers a variety of courses both in the different sectors of mathematics and in related sectors, providing advanced skills, including in the English language, comparable with those of the Master's Degrees of other European countries and the United States, which offer the opportunity to enter the global market and therefore be able to carry out any work activity that requires a mathematical profile, even abroad.

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prof. Dajana Conte.