
Digital Marketing Tutoring

The Degree program provides its students with different types of tutors for the purpose of providing informed support and direction to their study.

Faculty tutors

All students have access to tutors appointed by the program for all matters related to the course of study, such as curriculum choice, optional exams, extra-curricular activities, etc.

Faculty tutors:


LIETO Antonio

MUSIO Antonio

TROISI Orlando

MANZO Rosanna


Faculty delegate for tutoring: prof. Mario Testa

Student Tutors

For guidance or assistance with specific examinations, students may seek support from peer tutors, carefully chosen senior students who, by virtue of their experience, can offer valuable advice on study methods and assist with exercises and

conceptual understanding.

Peer tutors

If you have needs pertaining to disabilities or specific learning disorders (SLDs), you can seek the support of peer tutors. These tutors are specially chosen and trained students who provide one-on-one coaching, aiding in the organization of your

course of study and exam preparation.

Help Teachers

All students can benefit from the support of Help Teachers, specifically selected by the Department to supplement teaching endeavors, conducted both in physical classrooms and virtual environments and aimed at enhancing proficiency across

various instructional activities (exercises, laboratories, and field teaching).

The schedules of the supplementary activities conducted by Help Teachers for various courses within the degree program are published on the department's webpage.

Academic Tutoring by Faculty Members

For pedagogical and methodological needs pertaining to individual courses and their respective examinations, you may seek assistance from the instructors of the courses, who provide tutoring services during their office hours.

Please refer to the faculty members' office hour schedules available on this page https://www.dispc.unisa.it/dipartimento/personale

Where and when to meet tutors

You can meet the tutors:

  • On the first day, during the presentation of the master's degree program;
  • in class, during the first lessons;
  • In virtual classrooms specifically created by the Help Teachers and accessible through the course webpage.

For further information, you can contact the Didactic Office of the Department by writing to didattica.dispc@unisa.it