
Digital Marketing Enrollment


Type of Access

Open with verification of prerequisites.

Required Degree for Admission

To enroll in the master’s degree program in Digital Marketing, you must have earned one of the following degrees:

  • Bachelor's degree, Bachelor's degree of the former Italian university system (laurea di vecchio ordinamento), three-year university diploma, or other qualification obtained abroad recognized as suitable.
  • Admission to the degree program requires meeting certain curricular requirements and an assessment of personal preparation.

Curricular Requirements and Adequacy of Preparation

Enrollment in the Master's Degree program is contingent upon verification of possession of:

  1. curricular requirements;
  2. adequacy of personal preparation.

a) Curricular Requirements

  • Bachelor's degree in the following classes/disciplines: L-18 - Economics and Business Management; L-33 - Economics according to Ministerial Decree 270/2004 (or corresponding classes according to Ministerial Decree 509/99 or the former Italian university system).
  • If the obtained degree is in a different class/discipline, it is necessary to have completed a minimum of 90 credits (CFU/ECTS) distributed as follows within the following areas:
  • 60 credits in the field of Economics – Business (from SECS-P/01 to SECS-P/13)
  • 15 credits in the area of Law (IUS/01, IUS/02, IUS/04, IUS/05, IUS/07, IUS/09, IUS/10)
  • 15 credits in Statistics or Mathematics (from SECS-S/01 to SECS-S/06, from MAT/01 to MAT/09).

b) Adequacy of preparation:

In order to effectively engage with the course material, students must possess foundational knowledge at the bachelor’s level in the following subject areas: business, economics, mathematics/statistics, and legal studies.

Furthermore, proficiency in the English language at least equivalent to a B1 level is required for those intending to enroll in the curriculum taught in Italian, and at least equivalent to a B2 level for those intending to access the curriculum taught in English. For both curricula, a sufficient command of the Italian language, at least equivalent to B1, is also required.

Verification Procedures for Admission Requirements

The curricular requirements and the adequacy of candidates’ initial preparation, including their English language proficiency (and Italian language proficiency for foreign candidates), are verified by means of an interview conducted by a special Committee appointed by the Didactic Council of the Course.

Admission interviews

Admission interviews are held periodically, typically in the months of September, December, and February each year. The Admission interview calendar is published well in advance on the course webpage.

The following calendar of verification tests is valid for all purposes as convocation and notification:

For requests for assessment of possession of the curricular requirements and personal preparation received from 15/07/2024 to 25/09/2024

The verification test is set on date: 02/10/2024 - ore 10.00 (Communication will follow on the location of the test)

For requests for assessment of possession of the curricular requirements and personal preparation received from 04/10/2024 to 11/12/2024

The verification test is set on date: 18/12/2024 - ore 10.00 (Communication will follow on the location of the test)

For requests for assessment of possession of the curricular requirements and personal preparation received from 20/12/2024 to 12/02/2025

The verification test is set on date: 19/02/2025 - ore 10.00 (Communication will follow on the location of the test)

Interested applicants must register for the Admission interviews through the Esse3 user area (https://esse3web.unisa.it/unisa/Home.do).

To apply for the assessment of curricular requirements and personal preparation, please refer to the following link: http://web.unisa.it/didattica/immatricolazioni/informazioni

The results of the admission tests are published on this webpage.

Waivers and Exemptions

Applicants who hold a Language Certification issued by Certifying Bodies recognized under current regulations at a CEFR level that is equivalent to or higher than that required for the curriculum they intend to pursue are exempt from the assessment of their English language proficiency.

Students who have already acquired an adequate number of credits in English language courses (SSD L-LIN/12) at university level or have completed a university degree that was delivered in English may also be exempt.

Other waivers (e.g., native English-speaking applicants) will be evaluated by the Admission Committee.

International student admission

For information about:

  • Admission and recognition
  • Incoming mobility
  • Orientation, welcome, and incoming Office

Go to the UNISA International Students page