Final examination

Digital Marketing Final examination

Final Examination

You may be admitted to the final examination if you have successfully completed all assessments and obtained the corresponding credits for the educational activities outlined in your study plan, regardless of the number of years of enrollment at the university.


The final examination for the award of the Master’s Degree consists of the presentation and defense of a Thesis elaborated in an original manner under the guidance of a supervising professor during a public session, before a designated Committee.

The final examination committee is appointed by the Department Director or by a person designated by them, and typically consists of 11 full members, including the chairperson, and in any case, not fewer than 5.

The conduct of the final examination and the announcement of the result are public.

For students enrolled in the Marketing, Service, and New Technologies curriculum (delivered in English), the thesis must be written in English, and the final examination must be presented and defended in English.

For students enrolled in the Marketing and Digital Transformation curriculum (delivered in Italian), the thesis must be written and discussed in Italian. However, with prior agreement from the advisor, it may also be written in English. Additionally, with authorization from the President of the Academic Council, the final examination may be conducted in English.

All theses must include a synopsis in both English and Italian.

The thesis should focus on a specific topic agreed upon with the supervising professor and relate to one of the disciplines within your study plan.

The thesis should be developed with a high degree of autonomy, and it should offer original contributions, which may be theoretical, methodological, project-based, or implementational in nature. It may also involve the development of a project in collaboration with companies or external organizations, adhering to the guidelines established by the Academic Council and outlined in this section.

The degree program employs mechanisms to authenticate and ensure the originality of theses, also resorting to anti-plagiarism services as part of its verification process.

Calculation of Final Grade

The evaluation of the final examination is on a scale of 110 (one hundred tenths), regardless of the number of members in the Graduation Committee. The minimum passing grade for the examination is 66/110 (sixty-six one-hundredths).

The final grade is obtained from the sum of the student’s starting score, derived from the transformation into one-hundredths of the weighted average of grades obtained in the exams required in the study plan (excluding pass/fail marks, eligibility exams and any additional exams), and the points assigned by the Committee during the evaluation of the final examination.

The result of the sum is rounded down if the decimal part is less than 0.5, and rounded up if it is greater than or equal to 0.5.

The Committee has at its disposal up to a maximum of 10 points allocated according to the following criteria:

a) Quality of the Thesis and Defense:

  • 5 points for an excellent judgment
  • 4 points for a very good judgment
  • 3 points for a good judgment
  • 2 points for a fair judgment
  • 1 point for a satisfactory judgment

b) Academic performance, evaluated on the basis of the average earned during the course of studies:

  • 3 points for an average between 105 and 110.
  • 2 points for an average between 100 e 104;
  • 1 point for an average between 95 e 99;
  • 0 points for an average up to 94;

c) Academic career, evaluated on the basis of when and how college credits are acquired:

  • 1 point if the student has completed courses and exams within the timeframe indicated in their study plan;
  • 1 point if the student has completed an international mobility period of study equivalent to at least 6 credits.

Distinction may be conferred if the cumulative score reaches 110, provided there is unanimous agreement from the Commission. However, the highest distinction can only be awarded if the starting score is at least 103.

How to Apply for Graduation

The application for graduation must be submitted online, adhering to the guidelines outlined on the University's website, accessible through the Graduation Application page. Manuals and regulations pertinent to this process can also be found on the same webpage.

ATTENTION! The deadlines for the thesis request and degree application are firm and non-negotiable.

Certificates and supplementary diplomas

For information about:

  • Certificates and self-certifications
  • Supplementary diplomas

All pertinent information can be accessed through the UNISA website SERVIZI DI SEGRETERIA

Degree Certificate

Dear students, the delivery of the degree certificate normally takes place during the proclamation ceremony.

If, for any reason, this has not occurred, you may collect your parchment in person or via proxy at the Department’s Office of Education and Careers, by appointment only. Appointments can be easily and quickly scheduled by emailing The email should be accompanied by the completed form provided at the bottom of this page, along with a copy of a valid form of identification.

Shipping service

To avail yourself of this service, it is first necessary to complete the editable form at the bottom of this page. The completed form should be sent to, with the subject line: diploma shipping service.

Upon receipt of the request, a shipping fee of 15 euros will be invoiced to the student's reserved area.

Once paid, proof of payment must be sent, thereby initiating the shipment process.

Forms Available on the page SERVIZI DI SEGRETERIA