
Scienze Biologiche Tutoring

The tutoring activities for students are organized by the Commissione orientamento in entrata e in itinere, headed by prof. Anna Marabotti (amarabotti@unisa.it).

The specific tutoring activities are as follows:

- Thanks to the financial contribution of University funds the Department of Chemistry and Biology "A. Zambelli," offers tutoring services to prepare and support incoming students in the classroom and/or laboratory, for group teaching activities and to support students with disabilities (contact person: prof. Margherita De Rosa). These include OFA teaching, which is available to students who lack some of the key curricular requirements of the Bachelors degree course (contact person: prof. Consiglia Tedesco) OFA teaching is organized in parallel with the course in Mathematics, while tutoring is reserved for support activities relating to classroom exercises and laboratory practicals that are part of various courses. Each year, the Orientation and Placement Committee identifies the support, and the type of tutor (Master's or doctoral students) needed to support the activity.

The Orientation and Placement Committee also evaluates the degree of satisfaction of students and the tutors themselves with respect to these support activities and plans activities for the following year. The evaluation is based upon feedback from the aforementioned questionnaires. In addition, the CdS makes use of the activities of part-time students to support tutoring activities (before and after laboratory exercises), planning the activities and the hours devoted to them.

- The CdS also participates to the "Action Help Teaching-PRO3" program (contact person: prof. Consiglia Tedesco) which aims to improve the academic achievments of students enrolling in the second year of the Courses of Study, so that the greatest number of students will have accrued at least 40 credits (CFU) at the beginning of the second academic year. The Help Teaching activity also facilitates the organization of remedial courses for students who have accrued fewer that 40 CFUs. The project allows students to enroll in the remedial courses and take advantage of an additional examination session in November, in order to accrue additional CFUs. This activity takes place in concert with similar actions planned and put in place through the LSC's participation in the National Plan for Scientific Degrees (PLS) Project in Biology and Biotechnology.