Ingegneria Alimentare - Food Engineering | Modalità di accesso - Immatricolazioni
Ingegneria Alimentare - Food Engineering Modalità di accesso - Immatricolazioni
Training objectives
The International Master Degree in Food Engineering is a two-years programme, planned to educate engineers and scientists in several aspects of food engineering and food processing and to give professional skills in plant design, optimisation and innovation of products and processes of the food industry. Similarly to all other bachelor and master Engineering programmes at the University of Salerno, The Master Degree in Food Egnineering is Certified according to the ENAEE EUR-ACE System.
The curriculum in Food Engineering is very attractive for graduates that are interested in food bioprocess engineering, product and process development, process control, advanced manufacturing systems, environmental and microbiological issues. The food engineer is able to apply typical engineering methodologies to the design and operation of food processing plants.
Programme 2023-2024
Employment opportunities
- food production industries, including the dairy industry, the canning industry, the pasta industry, the oil industry, the beverage industry, the wine industry;
- pharmaceutical and process industries;
- companies in the sector of the cold chain for storage and transport of frozen foods;
- companies of food industry machinery;
- companies of production, handling and transport of flours;
- technical structures for the control of the environment or industrial safety including food related issues;
- structures for big supermarket chains working on the selection of products, the evaluation of the congruence of prices, the certification of product quality / process;
- companies of food packaging;
- as freelance technical advisor for production processes, plant design and certification of quality for small and medium-sized food companies.
The access to the Master in Food Engineering is allowed to candidates with a bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering, Food Engineering or in scientific fields with suitable basis of mathematics, chemistry, thermodynamics, transport phenomena, and unit operations.
For each candidate the Department of Industrial Engineering will examine the curriculum and decide, if needed, additional credits to be taken before registration.
Before admission candidates will be asked to undertake an interview, unless they hold an EUR-ACE certified degree. During the interview, the candidate will be asked to
- explain the reasons for the choice of the Master Degree Program in Food Engineering at the University of Salerno,
- describe a project carried out during the previous studies
- answer questions aimed at assessing the basis of transport phenomena and unit operations
Useful info
Start of the lessons
The courses for the Master Degree in Food Engineering start on September 2025